Women of a Certain Age
Women of a certain age, whatever their age, have been through different things. Whatever their age, women should also know they are capable of great things.
Women of a certain age, whatever their age, have been through different things. Whatever their age, women should also know they are capable of great things.
Everyone recycles, or they should. In our government offices we recycle paper, soda cans and plastic bottles. But it is time to move beyond recycling.
Problems come across our desks of all sizes and shapes. Some are easy to address and others are not. Here’s how you can tackle problem-solving.
If you had to choose to watch government in the movies (with a satirical touch) then you might want one of the following.
Government provides services that people need through sites and services. But here’s why marketing government to millennials is also important.
Here’s why you should consider disconnecting from social media.
Public arts can yield numerous benefits for your state or municipalities. Learn how you can get started.
How you meet and network with people outside of your work is important and valuable. It gives you a life and a purpose outside of the important and valuable work you do every day for other people when you work in government. Learn about this professional group called Amazing Women.
More times than not we find that the above are reoccurring themes or issues that women in government, women in the workplace, women as pioneers, and women as leaders face. You are not alone, even if you are the only woman in the room.
If a coworker has a meltdown, you should take it very seriously. But not all meltdowns require the involvement of a supervisor or human resources. It is important to use your discretion accordingly.