
Best Of USAJobs May 10

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new job opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

  1. IT Specialist (Network Services)

If you’re an IT professional seeking a new job, brush up on your German and prepare to join the Army in Landstuhl, Germany. Once there, you can expect to analyze network systems and develop NetOps products. Click here to view the job.

  1. Lead Census Field Manager

Excitement is building for the 2020 census, and the Commerce Department is looking for someone in Bismarck, SD to supervise data collection teams. If you’re a good leader and communicator with an eye for detail, this position could be for you. Click here to view the job.

  1. Audiovisual Production Specialist

Do you want the freedom and creativity of a career in the arts with the security of a government job? The National Endowment for the Arts is seeking an audiovisual production specialist to create original content on a variety of topics. Click here to view the job.

  1. Assistant Business Manager (Bowling)

Who among us did not dream as a child of operating a bowling alley in South Korea? The Army can make this dream come true, as they’re seeking a qualified individual with a strong business background to manage a facility in Pyong Taek. Click here to view the job.

  1. Computer Scientist

If you can code in your sleep, understand cybersecurity, and are comfortable creating custom software solutions, the Navy has a position for you. You’d be doing all of this at the Naval Oceanographic Office in Mississippi, not too far from pristine Gulf of Mexico beaches. Click here to view the job.

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