
Best of USAJobs November 22

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop will highlight some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

1. GIS Specialist

A geographic information system (GIS) captures, analyzes and stores geographic data about everything from elevation to latitude and longitude. If that sounds appealing, the Interior Department (DOI) has an opening in Washington, D.C. that might suit you. Working for DOI’s National Park Service (NPS) component, you’ll develop, manage, coordinate and implement a GIS for one of the district’s national parks. You’ll also be responsible for using geographical and relational databases to better understand the park’s resources and themes. This is additionally a temporary role, leaving you with the opportunity to try it out for a limited time if you’re not certain it fits you. Click here to view this job.

2. Computer Scientist

If you love computers and data, this Army position might be for you. Joining the Army’s Cyber Command component (ARCYBER), you’ll relocate to Fort Gordon, Georgia. Once there, you’ll use algorithms and statistics to analyze data for valuable insights. The information you’ll examine will also need datasets, and you’ll thus have ample opportunity to design them. Ultimately, you’ll also determine metrics for measuring how meaningful, valid and relevant information is to ARCYBER. Click here to view this job.

3. Agriculture Economist

If you enjoy agriculture and economics, the Agriculture Department (USDA) has a spot in Kansas City, Missouri that might catch your attention. Serving at USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) component, you’ll perform research for a complex economic study about America’s farm and food sectors. Your efforts will include analyzing complicated datasets about U.S. commodity, food, environmental and production concerns. The results of your labor will also be presented to academics and professionals, so you might want some experience with public speaking. Click here to view this job.

4. Director of Human Resources

Human resources (HR) are critical for directing workforces, and the judicial branch is no exception. Subsequently, the U.S. Courts system has a slot in San Francisco who’s interested in helping the legal system’s people. You’ll develop recruitment strategies, and you’ll also help craft policies for leave, scheduling, performance, promotions and more. Collectively, your labors will assist with improving processes and instituting change at the courts. Click here to view this job.

5. Health Physicist (Radiation Safety Officer)

If you’re comfortable with radioactivity, this Veterans Affairs Department (VA) gig in Hines, Illinois might call your name. Working for VA’s Veterans Health Administration (VHA) component, you’ll establish and implement written policies for all relevant radiation safety programs. You’ll also conduct, direct and survey the results of complex radiation surveys. Overall, this position is about ensuring proper radiation safety measures are in place at the VA Medical Center in Hines. Click here to view this job.

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