
Best of USAJobs October 25

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop will highlight some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

1. National Resource Specialist (Sage Grouse)

If you love birds, you’ll want to see this opening with the Interior Department (DOI) in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Working with DOI’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM), you’ll plan regional conservation helping the sage grouse and its habitats. You’ll also report on how the area’s sage grouse population is performing, and you’ll additionally restore the health of the surrounding landscape. Collectively, your responsibilities will ensure this is an animal available for future generations. Click here to view this job.

2. Chief Information Security Officer

Chief information security officers (CISOs) ensure that data and IT are protected, making them essential for any agency. The Homeland Security Department (DHS) is no exception, and this opening in Washington, D.C. will play a crucial role in the department’s cybersecurity. Upon joining DHS’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) component, you’ll help safeguard its systems from cyberthreats. Beyond that, you’ll also design, plan, and implement new IT to assist FEMA with mission success. Ultimately, this role is about keeping a critical agency’s digital landscape safe and sound. Click here to view this job.

3. Chief Procurement Officer

Chief procurement officers (CPOs) are to government contracts what CISOs are to government data and IT. The Commerce Department (DOC) has a CPO vacancy in Reston, VA, with the successful applicant joining its National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) component. Once there, you’ll lead and manage acquisition, planning, strategizing and deploying at the First Responders Network Authority (FirstNet). A key part of this opening involves negotiating, forming and administering contracts, so be ready to compromise. Click here to view this job.

4. Health Physicist

The Navy’s Pacific Fleet needs a health physicist for its commander in chief. Relocating to Bremerton, Washington, you will develop, plan and execute a control program for personnel exposed to radiation. You’ll also plan and lead the collection of environmental samples and survey data. Gradually, your efforts will help the Navy track and avoid nearby radiation. Click here to view this job.

5. Aerospace Engineer

If aerospace is your passion, you’ll enjoy this Air Force gig at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. After reaching the base, you’ll be regarded as an expert who can provide advisory support and technical guidance. Mainly, you’ll document and develop the analysis of foreign strike and combat support aircraft. Your research will eventually help determine the limitations of foreign aerodynamic systems, so this is a role that could have a big impact. Click here to view this job.

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Win swag! The featured image for each week’s USAJobs blog post relates to one of the jobs listed – if you think you know which one it is, tweet us @GovLoop with your answer and we’ll send you a GovLoop swag pack!

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