CDC Social Media Tools Guidelines & Best Practices
The use of social media tools is a powerful channel to reach target audiences with strategic, effective and user-centric health interventions. To assist in the planning, development and implementation of social media activities, the following guidelines have been developed to provide critical information on lessons learned, best practices, clearance information and security requirements. Although these guidelines have been developed for the use of these channels at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they may be useful materials for other federal, state and local agencies as well as private organizations to reference when developing social media tools.
Guidelines for the following tools are available:
- Button and Badge Guidelines and Best Practices (6 pages, 303KB)
- Health-e-Cards Guidelines and Best Practices (9 pages, 306KB)
- Micro-blogging Guidelines and Best Practices (9 pages, 304KB)
- Motion Graphics Guidelines and Best Practices (5 pages, 327KB)
- Online Viral Video Guidelines and Best Practices (10 pages, 672KB)
- Text Message Guidelines and Best Practices (5 pages, 151KB)
- Virtual World Guidelines and Best Practices (6 pages, 260KB)
- Social Media Security Mitigations (14 pages, 95KB)