I’m super excited to show you the new and improved GovLoop today. Or as Daft Punk would say – Bigger, Faster, Stronger.
A lot of work has been going on behind scenes the last few months to make this magic happen.
The core of the improvements is that we’ve moved from our former CMS, Ning, to an open-source platform WordPress (and BuddyPress) which will allow us more freedom to rapidly improve the site, and serve our goal – “help connect government to improve government.”
So what’s new in the new and improved GovLoop?
- Greatly improved resource section to find the best GovLoop reports and infographics by topics
- Updated training section to find our upcoming and archived online and in-person training
- Brand new blog functionality that gets us up to modern speed
- Mobile-optimized website so GovLoop looks great on your mobile device
- Clearer navigation and overall modern, simple design
- Revamped community section – new and improved profiles, member search, activity streams, and forums
What does it mean for you right now?
- It will be more awesome
- When you log-in, you will have to reset your password – so reset your password here
- It will be more awesome
But that’s enough about me. I’d love to hear from you.
See a bug? Got an idea for a cool feature? Leave a comment in our discussion thread.
P.S. I want to thank the fine folks at 10up who’ve led the redesign. Also thanks to Peter Slutsky at Automattic/WordPress for helping out. And the fearless Jeff Ribeira on the GovLoop team for leading the charge.
Looks great, Steve! Congrats!
Thanks Jed!
Looking good!
Fantastic job Steve and team! It’s awesome and then some.
Is there a way to know how many points one has earned in the rewards program? Whenever I take a survey, I am asked at the end if I want to joint the program, and I do, but never see confirmation or a tally.
Hi Karen, thanks for the question! Right now it’s all on the GovLoop backend – I just checked and you’ve participated in 5+ programs which means you’ll ll be receiving an email very shortly to get your govloop swag (buttons, tee shirts etc).
Super…keep it coming.
I like! Very awesome looking! The info on Govloop is always super helpful! Thanks a bunch Govloop team!
Your new look is great. But my old school ways have me cringing when words break across lines.
It looks AWESOME! Now I can see all the graphs and images! Great job everyone!!!
Steve, kudos on the revamp. Question: what happened to individual member blog posts that used to be listed in member profiles under “My Blog”? How can members link to a full list of their blog posts, similar to the “My Blog” function?The old links are inoperable. Thanks.
Looks good!