Join GovLoop’s State & Local Virtual Innovators Summit!

From new citizen engagement strategies and mobile apps to doing more with less, state and local governments are continuously finding innovative solutions to really tough issues. There are countless examples of state and local governments leveraging technology and tackling challenges in a proactive, inventive and agile way — and we’re here to highlight them. Wednesday,Read… Read more »

I’m a Millennial, But Don’t Stereotype Me!

Hello, my name is Emily and I am a millennial. And you know what? I am proud to be a millennial. Oftentimes, the millennials get a bad reputation as being lazy, tech focused and commitment phobes. But I’m here to tell you: It’s not all true. Right now, millennials make up about 16 percent of theRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Build an Economy That Works for Everyone

On Monday, Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez spoke at the National Press Club. His speech, “Shared Prosperity: Building an Economy that Works for Everyone,” provided insights on current policy focus areas at the Department of Labor. He opened by reminding the audience of a phrase used by President Obama during a rally in Milwaukee: “ByRead… Read more »

11 Ways to Keep Millennials in Government

A couple weeks ago, OPM released a report on millennials in the federal government. The major finding? Those born after 1981 are satisfied with their jobs, but frustrated by the lack of reward and advancement. It’s not necessarily rewards in the monetary sense, but rather failure to recognize innovation, hard work, and creativity. Currently, millennialsRead… Read more »

Photo: (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) President Barack Obama convenes a meeting with cabinet agencies coordinating the government's Ebola response, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Oct.15, 2014.

DorobekINSIDER: An Ebola Casualty: Trust in Gov

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: A Bright Future for Open Data: As more industries are joining the fight for open data, governmental organizations at the local, state and federal levels have becomeRead… Read more »

Only GIS Can Prevent Forest Fires

Esri and GovLoop recently hosted a meetup showcasing how GIS solutions can make it easier than ever before to create online mapping applications. Featured at the event was a case study from Global Forest Watch, which is “a new dynamic online forest monitoring and alert system, designed to empower people everywhere to better manage forests.Read… Read more »

How Montgomery County Instituted Financial Transparency

As we prepare for GovLoop’s first-ever State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit, we and the presenters are posting blogs about many of the sessions and some of the tips they will share. The summit is October 22nd and free for everyone — make sure to register here!   “How is government spending my tax dollars” isRead… Read more »

Think Social Media isn’t Public Record? Think Again…

How can social media make government more transparent while minimizing legal risk? At this point, most public agencies employ at least one or two social media platforms and understand their value. They may tout their cool Facebook pages as pre-teens scoff and double-tap photos on Instagram, but any social media presence is better than noRead… Read more »