Trust Me, I’m a Government

A couple of days ago, I was at the Data Transparency 2014 conference, hosted by the Data Coalition. Throughout the day, we discussed a lot of reasons open data is important. It can maximize efficiency, highlight pressure points, illuminate trends, and do about 1 million other things that help government run more smoothly. If youRead… Read more »

More Than Buzz – Redefine Federal IT

“If our federal government can truly implement a more transparent and open environment that leverages the proven insights and efficiencies available from big data, I’m really optimistic that the impact can be truly transformational.” – Audie Hittle, CTO, EMC Isilon in GovLoop’s Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution guide.  There’s a lot of buzzwords inRead… Read more »

Workforce Training—Why it Matters & How You Can Get Involved

All across government we are seeing how technology can make your job easier – the same is true in workforce training. In addition to having trainings online (which lowers costs and allows people to learn wherever they are), technology can help government agencies take an innovative approach to training that focuses more on the individual.Read… Read more »

8 Ways to Help Your Overworked Team

Especially in government, we constantly talk about doing more with less. But most often, those conversations focus on physical resources like office supplies, amenities, or space. And when we do think about the human element, it’s often in detached terms like ‘labor hours’ or ‘workforce supply’. However, if you manage an overburdened team, you areRead… Read more »

Connected Government – Why it Matters & What You Can Do

Government leaders at all levels of government strive to deliver excellent, citizen-centric service to their constituents – on a budget. In addition to tight resources, they must continually adjust to rising citizen expectations. Nowadays, citizens want to interact with government just like they do with any other organization- on the go and most likely, onRead… Read more »

Uncovering State And Local Gov’s 15 Hidden Successes

From garbage trucks to vacant lots, cities and states are often tasked with the thankless job of cleaning up a community’s mess. These are tasks that are often overlooked, but are critical to keeping a community vibrant. But even in these sometimes thankless jobs, there are real innovations happening. Take Miami-Dade County where they areRead… Read more »