Photo: Flickr user Michael Daddino

DorobekINSIDER: Revolving Door – Wall Street Edition

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: SAMMIES 2014 — lessons learned from the government’s best and brightest:  From Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service: Once you hear from the Sammies winners and the finalists,Read… Read more »

3 Guiding Principles for Open Data in Government

I’m spending the day at Data Transparency 2014, an annual conference hosted by the Data Coalition that keeps the conversation on open data in government moving forward. This conversation is extremely multi-faceted. It’s barely 11am and we’ve already talked about budgeting, planning, IT, accessibility, security, and a slew of other topics that are related toRead… Read more »

Look at the Innovations Coming From States

Government innovation is happening at all levels of government. During the 2014 National Association of Chief Information Officers annual conference, the winners of the Recognition Awards were unveiled. The 10 finalists were selected for their outstanding achievement in the field of information technology. Below are my favorite awards from last night. Take a look at theRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Where change is happening in government

Have you ever attended a budget meeting hosted by your city council? You usually are shown PowerPoint presentations filled with pie charts detailing how funds are dispersed. And you have access to your city website’s complete budget breakdown, including the projected one for the next fiscal year. But it may seem as though local governmentRead… Read more »

The 10 Commandments of Teamwork

At GovLoop, we’ve been researching or covering technology issues facing the public sector and there always seems to be a common theme throughout every IT issue: soft skills are critical to successful IT deployment. Technology is only a small piece of the equation. Gaining buy-in, building with the user in mind and communicating changes acrossRead… Read more »

Technology’s Role in Powering Open Data Initiatives

Below is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest guide, Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution. You can access the full guide here. Recently, Audie Hittle, federal chief technology officer, Isilon Storage Division, EMC Corporation, sat down with GovLoop to discuss how data can transform the federal government. GovLoop: How do you see big data and openRead… Read more »

How Gov Is Truly Making a Difference

2014 saw the lowest federal job satisfaction numbers from feds and an unusually high separation rate, but what those numbers don’t tell you, is there are still passionate and determined federal workers who dedicate their lives to federal service. That remarkable work done was recognized Monday night in the annual Service to America Medal awardRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Mapping for Policy Makers

As a lifetime member of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.®, I have earned my fair share of compass merit badges. Despite my badge-certified sense of direction, I still have trouble locating some places when doing a simple Internet search, especially after I have moved to a new city. With ArcGIS, mapping data in an organized,Read… Read more »