GAO’s take on – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: “Emotional intelligence.” The phrase conjures the image of a therapist and a couch, but in reality being more emotionally intelligent you can help relieve stress, help you communicate effectively, help you empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Being emotionally intelligent is one of the keys to mastering your career.Read… Read more »

Are You In A Glass Case of Emotion?

“Emotional intelligence.” The phrase conjures the image of a therapist and a couch, but in reality being more emotionally intelligent you can help relieve stress, help you communicate effectively, help you empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Being emotionally intelligent is one of the keys to mastering your career. Don’t believe the hype?Read… Read more »

911 Made Safer – Protecting EMTs!

We’ve all seen an ambulance racing down the street, sirens blaring, weaving in and out of traffic. But sometimes in the rush to get to the hospital in the fastest way possible another tragedy can strike. In 2010, a medic, patient and passenger all died when the ambulance driver lost control on an icy roadRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned to Create the Open GIS Platform

For government, it’s easier than ever before to publish authoritative data. Below, three open data experts share how. In our latest GovLoop guide, Open Data and GIS: Better Understanding Our World, we explore a crucial element of the open data movement: geographic information systems (GIS). Time and again, we have seen how GIS facilitates governmentRead… Read more »

Leveraging Cloud Adoption in Your Agency

GovLoop’s recent guide, How Cloud is Reinventing Government, explores the how cloud is helping agencies unlock innovation and improve service delivery. The report includes four government case studies, best practices and insights from industry leaders. Below is an excerpt from our guide. Read the full report here. This section was written by Mallory Thayer, GovLoopRead… Read more »

Before, During and After an Attack: An Integrated Strategy for Cybersecurity [New Report]

The world of cybersecurity is immense. The jargon surrounding the subject is nearly as varied. Here are a few examples: There’s malware, damage, espionage, regulation, education, viruses, advanced persistent threats, partners, reputation insider threats – and that’s just a small sample. Adding to this complexity is a common disconnect between technology experts within the organization,Read… Read more »

Ongoing Federal Budget Challenges – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you’re anything like me, “Orange is the New Black” has taken over your life. The show illustrates the difficult and fascinating life within the walls of a federal prison. The show is fiction, but the cruel world OITNB depicts is sadly often representative of what really happens in federal penitentiaries.Read… Read more »

It’s Time to Customize Your Executive Development Program

On September 3, 2014, American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) will be hosting the Government Workforce: Learning Innovations Conference. The conference will provide a unique opportunity for government leaders to explore how new learning models can help solve government challenges. The goal of the conference is to highlight government collaboration and give attendees theRead… Read more »