New Insights on – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Picking the right mentor for you is a little like scrolling through potential matches on a dating site. You look at their background, interest and thoughts on the future, then take a chance and hope for a good match. But there are ways to make the mentor-matching process a bit easier.Read… Read more »

Getting the right match – Mentorship made simple

Picking the right mentor for you is a little like scrolling through potential matches on a dating site. You look at their background, interest and thoughts on the future, then take a chance and hope for a good match. But there are ways to make the mentor-matching process a bit easier. Tom Fox is theRead… Read more »

People to People: Google’s Vision for a Free and Open Global Community

The People to People program was founded during the Cold War with the philosophy that the best way to promote peace was to engender personal connections between individuals from different countries. Today, Google is using the same philosophy to end human rights abuse. Instead of personal connections between citizens, Google is uniting people in differentRead… Read more » A Procurement or Program Problem?

The pundits all seem to be asking, “What went wrong with the rollout of” But there is a bigger more substantial question for government. Why does government struggle with large procurements? That is the questions that Raj Sharma asked in his piece in the Public Spend Forum:, A Procurement Problem or a ProgramRead… Read more »

6 Ways to Keep Your Data Secure

Government agencies are collecting more data than ever before. With the increasing amount of data that agencies store, manage and collect, agencies must create robust strategies to protect data from being compromised. Recently, I spoke with John Barrett, Senior Manager Systems Engineering for Public Sector, Symantec on how agencies can minimize insider threats and keepRead… Read more »

Are you hearing me? How to resolve workplace misunderstandings

The workplace is filled with misunderstandings both big and small. An off hand comment can send a workplace spiraling. The diversity of the government make misunderstandings even more common. Because of varied backgrounds, experiences and perceptions, employees can interpret messages from managers quite differently, leading to confusion and conflict. So how do you get aroundRead… Read more »

Best Practices for a Culture of Communication

In a recent blog post I outlined the four main pillars of Project Intelligence, a new approach which seeks to improve government project execution by providing project managers with more information to make better decisions. In the era of budget cuts and limited resources, finding new ways to keep projects on time and in scopeRead… Read more »

Discover North Carolina’s New Tech Hub, iCenter – Plus your weekend reads!

Every day it seems like tech companies unveiling new and revolutionary technologies and agencies can’t get their hands on the technologies fast enough. But there is a problem. Agencies are siloed. That means that the government often end up buying the same technology twice. North Carolina is trying to curb the problem by creating theRead… Read more »

What Does it Take to Excel With Big Data?

Ever feel like there is data everywhere – yet not an insight to be found? It’s a common challenge facing organizations today, especially as organizations are flooded with information. The good news is that we are just getting started with big data, and innovations will continue to accelerate as regulations take hold, infrastructures are built,Read… Read more »