How State and Local Leaders are Innovating with Technology

“There’s always going to be new technology. We must innovate to do more with less” – Brent Nair, CIO, Memphis Last week, Cisco and Consero hosted their Virtual Government IT Forum, the first in a series of online discussions between state and local government visionaries. The focus on the online session (which you can stillRead… Read more »

3 Threats to Keeping Data Secure

In a fast-moving digital world that we are currently living in, our data and information is constantly at risk of being exposed or compromised. For government agencies, maintaining strict governance policies and educating users is essential. Government agencies collect a variety of data on citizens, from the day we are born and throughout our entireRead… Read more »

The StartUp Agency – A Case Study on the Consumer Financial and Protection Bureau (CFPB)

This afternoon, GovLoop and WordPress are hosting an event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of WordPress websites and the robust scalable CMS services of the websites. At the event, government employees were connectedRead… Read more »

The Power of WordPress for Government: Exploring

This afternoon, GovLoop and WordPress are hosting an event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of WordPress websites and the robust scalable CMS services of the websites. At the event, government employees were connectedRead… Read more »

Less than half of feds think they will be promoted – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Administration is pushing for more performance metrics. They launched in June 2011. So how is it going? And why should these metrics matter? Insights from Dennis McDonald. The SEVEN stories that impact your life Less than half of federal employees believe they will be rewarded or promoted for doingRead… Read more »

Why Metrics Matter

The Administration is pushing for more performance metrics. They launched in June 2011. So how is it going? And why should these metrics matter? Dennis D. McDonald is an independent consultant. He has written a white paper on web-based performance metrics, “Developing Digital Strategies for Web-based Public Access.” He told Chris Dorobek on theRead… Read more »

Measure, Engage, and Manage- Next Generation CMS

In 2009, the White House released the Open Government Directive requiring federal agencies to take immediate steps to achieve key milestones in transparency, participation, and collaboration. Open Government means many things to different people, but basically it boils down to citizens having the ability to access important public information easily and quickly. Since this initiativeRead… Read more »

Understanding the Potential of Big Data and GIS

In the private sector, big data has been used to improve customer engagements, gain efficiencies in processing requests, streamline internal processes and even as a means to have information tailored to suit a customer’s specific needs. Although the way we measure success is different between the private and public sector, the general theme is theRead… Read more »

GSA Acting Admin. Heads to the Hill – DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Let’s be honest, right now the federal government is being pummeled by scandals. So how does government improve its reputation and get back in the public’s good graces? We get insights from the Partnership for Public Service. The SEVEN stories that impact your life A Senate committee on Tuesday questioned DanielRead… Read more »