Air Force saves more than a BILLION dollars on energy – Find out how they did it

The Air Force is the single largest consumer of energy in the federal government. Last year alone the Air Force spent more than $9 billion on fuel and electricity. The energy bill constitutes more than 8 percent of the Air Force budget. But it could of been much higher. Dr. Kevin Geiss is the DeputyRead… Read more »

How the NSA could get so smart so fast? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 10 years ago the role of the Chief Information Officer was radically different than it is today. Consider this, in 2013 the federal government will spend more than $80 billion on IT. That’s no easy task. So how do they do it effectively? And is the role going to continue toRead… Read more »

The Changing Role of the CIO – It’s not just a bureaucratic blackhole

10 years ago the role of the Chief Information Officer was radically different than it is today. Consider this, in 2013 the federal government will spend more than $80 billion on IT. And in the last 8 years they’ve spent more than $500 billion. The CIO must now oversee the most complex business organization onRead… Read more »

The Rapid Rise of Spanish Speakers in America: What Does It Mean for Government?

Is it time to swap “De Muchos, Uno” for “E Pluribus Unum”? It’s not every day that a gringo from Virginia steps to the Senate floor to give a speech in Spanish, but that’s just what happened yesterday when Senator Tim Kaine delivered his remarks on immigration reform. In addition to that small, but importantRead… Read more »

Leveraging Crime Analytics: Miami-Dade County Blue PALMS Program

This is part 1 of 3 of a blog series, Smarter Cities: Building Safer Communities in the Digital Age. This series explores how analytics has empowered the street level bureaucrat, redefining the way public safety officials keep communities safe. Across the country, public safety organizations have leveraged crime analytics to improve efficiencies, connect workers andRead… Read more »

Choosing a New CMS- Case Study

In less than a decade, the world has moved from a time with no Facebook to a time in which mobile phones and tablets are the platforms of choice. In fact, 45% of adults own a smartphone and 30% own a tablet, and many of these people are using these devices for everything- work, social,Read… Read more »

Does the Gov. Know How Many Data Centers it has? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In order for a project, program, department, agency or the entire government to function properly, you first need trust. But cultivating and growing that trust can be difficult, especially within large organizations. We learn 13 ways to cultivate trust from author Stephen Covey and Tim McManus. The SEVEN stories that impactRead… Read more »