Redesigned Website Launched

This week launched a redesign of their website. I am really impressed with how the site looks and the improved user experience. I visit fairly often, either researching information or checking to see if there are any new updates. What I love is how easy it is now to find information, the documentRead… Read more »

Cisco Unveils New Security System at Republican National Convention

A recent press release from Cisco, Interoperable Public Safety Broadband Network Deployed at the Republican National Convention, highlights some remarkable advances in security and multi-vendor collaboration. The press release, from September 17, states: “A consortium comprised of Cisco, Raytheon, Nokia Siemens Networks, Reality Mobile and Amdocs successfully deployed the nation’s first demonstrated multi-vendor interoperable PublicRead… Read more »

Telework Calculator Shows Your Savings Gained from Teleworking

GovLoop, in partnership with HP, recently launched a telework calculator. The calculator will help you state your case to your supervisor, and show the potential cost savings by teleworking. Be sure to visit the calculator to run your own calculations. The calculator will show you the annual total cost savings, hours of productivity saved, productivityRead… Read more »

5 Great Local Government Websites

Recently we had a great conversation on “Best and Worst Government websites” – I wanted to take a step back and highlight 5 great state and local government websites from the bunch (and not just the usual suspects who rock but are often featured like 1) City of Austin – Clean, crisp navigation andRead… Read more »

GIS Celebrating 50th Birthday

This month, Esri identified that GIS technology has turned 50 years old. Later this month, GovLoop will be releasing a guide highlighting how GIS has revolutionized how services are delivered to citizens. The guide will focus on five core areas (citizen engagement, public safety, emergency management, health and human services and environmental policy), and provideRead… Read more »

Improving Infrastructure through Smart Grid Technology

There are dozens of efforts happening in government to transform government into a 21st century model of governance and service delivery. Often, we hear a lot about technologies like cloud, mobile, energy efficiency – but everything we do requires power. That’s where our current electrical grid comes into play. Power companies are essentially “natural monopolies,”Read… Read more »

Tweeting Disease — How MappyHealth Predicts Outbreaks

Can Twitter predict disease outbreaks? That’s the question the makers behind MappyHealth wanted to discover. MappyHealth mines twitter data looking for health term trends. The app tracks disease terms and associated qualifiers to present these social trends. Brian Norris is the Co-Founder of MappyHealth. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that, “we haveRead… Read more »