Extreme Makeover – Government Management Edition

We’ve all seen those Extremem Makeover shows on TV, right? Well many management experts are suggesting that the government needs an extreme makeover of its own. But Bill Bott, a contributor for Governing, says agency leaders should be cautious to jump on the latest management fad. Bott told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

Case Studies Highlight Efficient and Smarter Spending

Last year, President Obama released Executive Order 13589: Promoting Efficient Spending. This Executive Order promotes agency reductions in the following areas: travel, information technology devices, printing, vehicle fleets, and extraneous promotional items. Certainly, with the perilous state of the federal government’s budget, certainly any savings that can be found and continue to provide the highestRead… Read more »

White House threatens veto on sequestration bill — 7 Stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Want real time economic data? The Census Bureau has lauched an App for that. It’s called America’s economy and it brings together data from 16 different economic indicators. Click here for the full story. The SEVEN stories that impact your life The House is expected to pass a measure today toRead… Read more »

Want Real-Time Economic Data? Census Launches An App for That

Did you know that 50% of the Census Bureau is dedicated to economic data? So it makes sense that if you wanted realtime, accurate economic data, data that could help you do your job better, you would go to the Census Bureau. Now they’ve created an app to make getting and understanding that data easier.Read… Read more »