The 7 Gov’t Stories you need to know: OMB says agencies need to cut travel by 30%

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 14th of May, 2012 The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to cut travel spending by 30 percent. It’s part of the White House’s mission to crack down on government waste. The director of the Office of Management and Budget — Jeffrey ZientsRead… Read more »

Why company culture matters in 3 easy steps

When it comes to picking your next job — don’t just factor in pay, benefits and job title. Company culture also makes a big difference.

 Bill Barnett says, “that’s one element that often gets overlooked in the job hunting process.”
 Mr. Barnett led the Strategy Practice at McKinsey & Company and has taught career strategyRead… Read more »

Public Service Recognition Week: A look back at the highs and lows of the Secret Service

 Welcome to
 GovLoop Insights 

Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and monthsRead… Read more »

How to succeed as a political appointee, Harnessing the power of big data, Ranking local gov’t social media sites

 On today’s program for Thursday May 10th, 2012

 How to 
succeed in government leadership — and yes, that includes political leadership. We’ll talk to Paul Lawrence, one of the authors of the new book, Paths to Making a Difference: Leading in Government. Big data — it’s the latest buzz word floating around government. ButRead… Read more »

Is local government’s reach growing? Find out how your city faired in the social media standings

Local governments are trying to engage the public more. One of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is through social media platforms. Think Facebook and Twitter.
 But some local governments are quicker and more efficient at adopting these new tools than others.
 Karen Mossberger is the Professor and Head at the Public AdministrationRead… Read more »

Political appointees — A guide to ward off pitfalls and challenges

The November elections are quickly approaching, and no matter who wins, the next term means a whole new crop of political appointees will be joining government.
 The challenges facing those appointees are vast — especially in the first two years.
 Paul Lawrence is a Principal at Ernst and Young. In his new book,
 Paths toRead… Read more »

The 3 V’s of big data — What are they and how do they impact you?

Big data it’s the new buzz word taking over government. But what is it? How should you prepare your agency to harness its powers?
 Thor Olavsrud is a senior writer at CIO. He’s outlined the role of big data with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program.

 Olavsrud says there are 3 V’s to bidRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: A cure for the Postal Services woes?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 10th of May, 2012 The Pentagon is changing its definition of an insider threats in hopes of rooting out threats earlier and easier. Secrecy News reports, the new definition calls an insider a someone who engages in unauthorized disclosures of information or other activities deemedRead… Read more »

Challenges and Solutions for the President’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator nominee: Joe Jordan

Joe Jordan, the man the Obama administration has nominated to be the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy 
is testifying before Senators today. 
It remains unclear if his nomination
 will get through the Senate before election day. But either way the next OFPP administrator will face some tough challenges.
 What are the challengesRead… Read more »

Challenges facing gov procurement – and OFPP; recognizing public service; and making open data

 On today’s program for Wednesday May 9th, 2012 The nominee to be the government’s new procurement chief is on Capitol Hill for his confirmation hearing. Joe Jordan isn’t well known — and doesn’t have extensive procurement experience. What should be on his agenda? Insights from the former deputy at the Office of Federal ProcurementRead… Read more »