The polarizing power of open government — could ambiguity be the culprit?

Take out your shades because its Sunshine week. The annual event is aimed at making the government more open and transparent. But what does it mean to be open and transparent? The terms are a bit ambiguous…and we all know ambiguity can be polarizing…especially in politics. So we set out to get some clarity onRead… Read more »

Outlook for Social Media Innovation in Government

Social media provides great opportunities for government agencies to connect with citizens. Through social media, providing access to information and reaching citizens can be done easier than ever before. Most studies show staggering upward trends of adoption rates and increased use of social networks. Since many of these platforms are still relatively new, it willRead… Read more » get’s a makeover…what’s different? goes live…again. The eRulemaking Program team says this update is the first installment in a series of website developments scheduled for this year. The substantial redesign aims to effectively relaunch the site to meet the goals in the President’s Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review Executive Order. John Moses is the Director at EPA’s CollectionRead… Read more »

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say by GovLoop Insights So do you have an elevator pitch for your organization’s mission? Could you do it in one minute? Can you make strategy fun? Dave McClure, the associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technology, has created aRead… Read more »

Innovative DNA is…

How do you make innovation part of your DNA? Few people are born innovators — the type of people who can fly into an office and effortlessly mix everything up — in a good way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t become a master innovator. A new book “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five SkillsRead… Read more »

Governmentwide Mentors Pilot Program: 60 Unique Agencies, 92% Cross-Government Pairings

Yesterday, I had the chance to present at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. Back in the fall, I blogged a bit about the results of our pilot. Here’s a more comprehensive view of it, including a few of the more interesting demographic details, agencies represented, etc: GovLoop Mentors Program – Federal Mentoring Roundtable View more presentationsRead… Read more »

Twitter goes to Court, Career Frameworks, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets!

Twitter goes to Court, Career Tips from Frank Digiammarino, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets! by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday… Happy Pi Day… yes, March 14… or 3.14… get it? And just so we all feel like we’re back in school again… Pi is is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of any EuclideanRead… Read more »

Blog Tag Lists

There are now drop down lists of tags you can use when you add a blog post, and when you search for blog posts. When adding a blog post, you can choose zero, one or more than one tag (one at a time) from the list. But you must either choose a tag from theRead… Read more »

Measuring Metrics: How do you determine what’s worthwhile?

You get what you measure — that’s what they tell us, right? But online, you can measure just about everything. It can be overwhelming. Yet we know that better customer service… better agency performance… require that we measure. The Office of Management and Budget is now looking at federal agency Web metrics, and they’ve toldRead… Read more »