How Do You Protect Against Cyber Threats?

Cyber threats continue to rise for the federal government. As potential attackers develop new ways to inflict infrastructure and federal systems, security professionals need to continue to stay one step ahead of the attackers. With increasing uses of cloud and collaborative technologies, new interconnected systems provide a fertile ground for potential attackers. With government officialsRead… Read more »

What Are the Top 10 Traits of an Ideal Mentor? How About a Mentee?

This past Friday night, GovLoop kicked off the Spring 2012 Mentors Program. As part of the orientation session, we asked participants to break into small groups and identify attributes of the ideal mentor and mentees. Here’s what the group (including participants who chimed in by live chat) identified as the top 10 traits for each:Read… Read more »

Connecting to 22 million Veterans one click at a time…how the VA’s new media strategy could help your agency

Its an almost impossible task — reach out to, connect to, inform and empower the roughly 22 million veterans. But that’s exactly what the Department of Veterans Affairs is trying to do and they are using social media to make it happen. Brandon Friedman is the Director of Online Communication. Its a job that wasRead… Read more »

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict by GovLoop Insights The start of our second week… thanks for being here. And there was some significant news on Friday — a new nominee to be the Obama administration’s chief technology officer — Todd Park. Park has beenRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process

On Thursday, (3/8), GovLoop and Bloomberg Government hosted a training webinar on “How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process.” During the training we discussed current acquisition challenges and how to improve communications with industry to streamline the acquisition process. We also learned some awesome tips and best practices for market research. 1.Read… Read more »

Todd Park Announced as New Federal CTO

Whitehouse announced today that Todd Park is the new federal CTO replacing Aneesh Chopra. Congrats to Todd – he’s great! Todd Park Named New U.S. Chief Technology Officer I’m very excited that President Obama today is appointing Todd Park as the new U.S. Chief Technology Officer, with the important task of applying the newestRead… Read more »

Tracking Twisters: Citizen Stories Shared Using GIS Technology

As we welcome spring we also face the horror of a terrible tornado season. As you know, earlier this year, tornadoes swept through most of the southern states reeking havoc on many American lives. Nowadays, with the wide use of smartphones, people far from the disaster can follow how everything unfolded through eyewitness reporting. AtRead… Read more »

Growing up in a hyper-connected world – What you should expect from the Millennials

What impact will the FaceMySpaceTwitGoogle+ world have on the young people who are growing up in this hyperconnected world? Teens and young adults have grown up digital — always connected, on 24-seven… they count on the Internet as their external brains. But a new survey of tech experts by the Pew Internet and American LifeRead… Read more »