The Dog That Caught The Bus – GSA Administrator Martha Johnson

I’m at ACT/IAC Executive Leadership Council where 800 gov’t IT leaders are congregating. Keynote is entitled “The Dog That Caught The Bus” by Martha Johnson, GSA Administrator GSA’s mission is everything for everyone everywhere. To federal, state, local, executive, legislative branches. Change is happening-Previously – budgets were squeezed. We were put on a diet-Today ourRead… Read more »

The GEICO Gecko’s Epic Journey Continues

Happy Friday everyone! As we have seen, the GEICO Gecko has begun a journey across the nation Where has the his epic quest taken him? Check out this week’s GEICO Friday Fun Video to find out! If only the Gecko could us money on parking tickets… ——————————————— GEICO was created in 1936 to provide autoRead… Read more »

Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications Wrap Up and Presentation Slides

This Wednesday I attended GovDelivery’s conference, Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington D.C. The event had attendees from across the federal government, and took attendees took away a lot of great lessons to bring back to their agencies. You can view all the great presentations here. BelowRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: USAJOBS Extends Deadline for Federal Agencies

USAJOBS has extended deadlines for job seekers interested in non-emergency positions. The Washington Post reports that OPM staff is working around the clock to fix code bugs and related problems on the USAJOBS site. On Wednesday, a contractor was hired to test the site and was still witnessing a 86% failure rate. The Washington PostRead… Read more »

Per Diem Calculator for Government Travel (New and Improved!)

About one year ago, GovLoop created its first mash-up: a combination of GSA Per Diem Rate data, Yelp user ratings and Eventul content so that we could help official government travelers to learn what locals say are the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife in that city.* CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE PER DIEM CALCULATORRead… Read more »

10 Ways to Optimize Facebook for Government – Notes from Adam Conner, Part II

Here is an expanded version of my post from this morning 10 Ways to Optimize Facebook – Notes from Adam Conner. The presentation slides from Adam’s presentation can be found below. Adam started his presentation by providing an overview of how the world has gone social and traditional borders are no replaced by connections ofRead… Read more »

What’s Your Position – Do You Maintain One or Multiple Identities Online?

This morning I attended the GovDelivery Social Media Summit and an interesting question came up that got me thinking – how many identities do you have online? The question originally came up when an audience participant asked Adam Conner of Facebook if Facebook will ever allow users to create mulltiple log-ins for Facebook accounts, toRead… Read more »

10 Ways to Optimize Facebook for Government – Notes from Adam Conner

Just heard Adam Connor, from the Washington Office of Facebook speak at GovDelivery Social Media Summit – hear are my quick notes with a full blog post coming later. Lots of great presentation and insights from Adam: Speak with an authentic voice Think about delivering your message Be timely and informative Multimedia Comment Policy WordsRead… Read more »