In Praise of Grinders: They Get The Job Done
Why does everyone have to move up constantly? What is wrong with staying in a place where you’re happy, and doing good work every day?
Why does everyone have to move up constantly? What is wrong with staying in a place where you’re happy, and doing good work every day?
At some point or another we’ve all been guilty of falling into the trap of not wanting to ask questions, especially in group settings. But organizations are likely to experience more innovative solutions and improved products because of the experience sharing that comes from asking questions.
How can we make smart decisions that will impact an entire team, city, or nation? To improve your decision-making skills, follow these six tips.
Here’s how one New York City borough balances remote and in-person work … and why officials think that remote opportunities are so important.
Thought leaders are well-known experts and innovators in a particular subject, whom people turn to for insights and ideas. There’s a path to becoming an authentic, truly helpful thought leader.
Difficult work conversations are unavoidable. Whether you’re addressing conflict, performance issues, or personality clashes, these “critical conversations” can be hard to initiate and even harder to steer to a positive outcome. We show the path for turning conflict into collaboration.
Being and feeling prepared helps us feel in control and more effective. You increase your impact when you’ve thought about what you want to say and have ready answers to these four simple yet crucial questions.
Agencies must serve the public without fail, especially in uncertain times. A strong government starts in the cloud.
Establishing a hybrid work model is not easy — like many things in life, there are lots of ways to fall short — but the past two years have demonstrated that hybrid work can succeed.
It isn’t only organizational efficiencies that make data literacy worthwhile. Fostering data acumen is tied to the core mission of government agencies: serving constituents.