Esri Federal GIS Conference: I Have No Idea What GIS Is

Lately, we’ve been talking about Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference, and I know what a lot of you may be thinking: “A conference completely devoted to discussing GIS sounds really cool, but I don’t know anything about GIS!” Is this you? Maybe you know of GIS, but feel like you don’t know enough to diveRead… Read more »

Want to Get ‘er Done? Introducing My 3-Part Strategy

It’s a new year, and a new fresh chance at our ever-enduring quest to be a little more awesome. And alongside that fresh chance, comes a fresh slew of blogs, books, trainings, and talks on Goal/Resolution/Theme/How to Kick Ass-setting. As a personal addict of self-improvement, I admit, I read my fair share of this saidRead… Read more »

Technology in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Wondering how can government better leverage technology in 2012? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Technology Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources to rethink technology in government. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as your starting point for asking questions orRead… Read more »

Project Management in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

What’s the most efficient and effective way to sharpen your project and program management skills? GovLoop’s Project Management Sub-Community is a solid starting point. Learn and Grow Consider bookmarking that page and use it in those on-the-job moments when you’ve got a question at work or have an idea or success story you want toRead… Read more »

Leadership, Management and Supervision in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Looking to learn how to become an even more effective leader, manager or supervisor in government? GovLoop’s Leadership Sub-Community is likely your best place to start. Learn and Grow Consider bookmarking that page and use it in those on-the-job moments when you’ve got a question at work or have an idea or success story youRead… Read more »

Careers in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Are you looking to take yourgovernment career to another level? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Careers Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources that will vault your career. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as your starting point for asking questionsRead… Read more »