Kids Leaving the Nest?

For a parent, nothing is more freeing, and terrifying, than handing over the keys to their young driver. While there is no more pick-ups at the movies on Friday night, or carting to soccer practice, a parent’s anxiety about their child’s safety is bound to increase. Parents of young drivers want to make sure theirRead… Read more »

Acquisition in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Wondering how can government be a better buyer 2012? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Acquisition Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources to help you do your job better in the acquisition world. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as yourRead… Read more »

Communications and Citizen Engagement in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Wondering how can government improve communications and citizen engagement? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Communications Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources to rethink technology in government. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as your starting point for asking questions orRead… Read more »

Pardon Our Dust – GovLoop Making Some Changes…

As I mentioned in my GovLoop A Year in Review, Look Ahead blog post in 2012, we are focusing even deeper as being the knowledge network for government. In our conversations and surveys with members, we’ve been hearing a need for more focus (with over 1,000 groups and 20,000 blogs and discussions it can beRead… Read more »

Esri Federal GIS Conference: Don’t Miss a Thing!

Have you ever gone to a conference full of exciting events and exhibits, but didn’t know where to start and found yourself feeling a little overwhelmed? Have you wanted to hear a panel discussion on a specific topic rather than a general session, or you wanted to find out which of the conference’s social eventsRead… Read more »

Top 6 Essentials of a Government Start-up Accelerator

Love the idea of the new government-focused startup accelerator created by Code for America. We need more talented entrepreneurs working hard to solving government problems (instead of just creating iphone apps or another new games). Government is a huge market so it’s potentially lucrative for entrepreneurs and also really meaningful as there are deeply importantRead… Read more »

9 Awesome Programs from GSA OCSIT Office on Government Communication

Pretty awesome 2011 annual report on GSA OCSIT. Lots of great nuggets but here’s my top 9 favorite program updates in GSA’s own words: 1) FedRamp -The FedRAMP PMO has fully vetted baseline security controls, requirements and documentation with both government and industry stakeholders, receiving over 1,100 comments between November 2010 and January 2011. FedRAMPRead… Read more »

BGov Brief: Removing Wasteful and Duplicate Contracts in Federal Government

In September of 2011, President Obama issued a memorandum to reduce wasteful duplication in federal contracting. The memorandum was part of President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste. The memorandum requires that starting January 1, 2012, all agencies will submit their business cases to a White House database before opening any new contracts for bids. TheRead… Read more »

U.S. Bankrupcy Court Uses Online Chat

Pretty cool to see the #1 county in the nation (U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada) for bankrupcy filing using online chats as a way to coordinate with their constitutents. I’m a big fan of this approach. Do others like it? Favorite