Tracking Deficit Commission with BGOV

Join us on Sep. 21st to See. Do. and Learn about Bloomberg Government with an interactive session complete with tips on how it can help you be awesome as a public affairs official. Limited seating so please RSVP.—————————————————————————————————– It’s a fact, I’m pretty intrigued by the deficit commission. Such an important task but so manyRead… Read more »

Wolfram Data Summit: Lynn Etheredge, Director: Rapid Learning Project, George Washington University

Blogging today from the Wolfram Data Summit, Lynn Etheredge just wrapped up his presentation, quick overview is below, followed by my write up of the presentation: A Rapid-Learning Health System: Using Electronic Health Records and Apps Lynn Etheredge Director, Rapid Learning Project, George Washington University This talk will update progress toward a national rapid-learning healthRead… Read more »

Wolfram Data Summit: Timothy Vaughan, PatientsLikeMe

Up now at the Wolfram Data Summit is Timothy Vaughan, Research Scientist from PatientsLikeMe – here is the quick overview of his presentation and an overview below: Drug Efficacy in the Wild Timothy Vaughan Research Scientist, PatientsLikeMe Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating illness that is uniformly fatal, typically within two to four years.Read… Read more »

Wolfram Data Summit, Thomas Lee of Sunlight Labs: Measuring Influence

Today I will be live blogging from the Wolfram Data Summit. First up is Thomas Lee, Director of Sunlight Labs, Sunlight Foundation, here is an overview of his presentation: From Dollars to Ideas: New Tools for Measuring Influence Director of Sunlight Labs, Sunlight Foundation To date, analytic examinations of the problem of political influence haveRead… Read more »

Local Government: Is Consolidation an Answer to Financial Woes?

The traditional view of the city as a densely populated urban center where people work in factories, offices, and can walk to shops that surround their homes has witnessed radical changes in the urban landscape of America. People’s lives are now predominantly based in the suburbs. American cities are now plagued with old infrastructure, failingRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Supercommittee Tasked with meeting Deficit Cuts

Today, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction will meet for the first time, and has 76 days to come up with a deficit reduction plan totaling $1.5 trillion and win the support of congress. If the committee fails to reach an agreement, deep spending cuts will be automatically triggered throughout the government. The WashingtonRead… Read more »

Advancing Thousands of Government Careers and Announcing

As jobless numbers look bleak and economic reports point to a deeper recession, we’ve been working hard here at GovLoop to help thousands of members to launch and advance in government careers. In fact, just as the U.S. Census reported that local and state government shed more than 200,000 jobs in 2010 and the overallRead… Read more »

Government be Nimble?

Do you ever wish your agency was more nimble and adaptive? How can agility really change the way our government works? I just saw this great white paper from Deloitte that discusses the “Agility Nexus” and how it can help agencies be even more efficient. Learn more below and be sure to check out Deloitte’sRead… Read more »

CFC Live Blogging: Kimberly Munoz, Executive Director, Quality of Life Foundation

CFC had some great speakers to share their success stories, Allison and I have been blogging the stories here on GovLoop, check out the posts: Early Morning Break Out Session Opening Session: John Lazar, Executive Director, CFCNCA Opening Remarks, Linda J Washington, Chairperson, Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) Success Story: Maura Harty, Make – ARead… Read more »