Feeding Feds and Saying Thanks

Being a government worker is a thankless job in most instances and that’s just not cool. Here at GovLoop we see the great work govies do day in and day out and we want to do something to say thanks. After all you are the people who make our community so great. On December 8thRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Save Money! Use Your Phone!

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Today, some members of the GovLoop team headed to a DC lunch hot-spot for a special treat. They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch,Read… Read more »

Are You the Next Face of GEICO?

Attention all GovLoopers with GEICO policies! Are you the next face of GEICO? As a proud supporter of Federal employees, GEICO is inviting a few policyholders to GEICO’s headquarters for a day of food, fun and freebies on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:00 pm. GEICO also wants to hear your stories! Participants will beRead… Read more »

Do Great! Collaborate!

Here on GovLoop we love our hard working govies. We know that getting big things done in government can be a challenge that requires a lot of collaboration. Multiple layers and multiple levels of government need to work together as one to solve problems and make government even better! How do you get the membersRead… Read more »

And the 2011 Graduate Public Service Scholarship Winners Are…

It seems as if every story about government lately involves the budget in some capacity. Elected officials and government employees are tasked with the difficult process of creating solutions in the face of financial restrictions, and with budgets getting smaller and smaller, this task sometimes seems impossible. At GovLoop, we’re a bit more optimistic aboutRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Disaster Recovery Lessons Learned From Big – Box Retailers

Government Technology had an interesting article this morning highlighting how big-box retailers like Target and Lowes could teach government some important lessons on disaster recovery. Government Technology states, that big-box retailers and government are more alike than different in terms of business continuity and disaster recovery. Government Technology also highlights how Waffle House manages disastersRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: NASA Launches Mission to Mars

Although manned space flight has taken a temporary hiatus for NASA, there are still plenty of cool initiatives in the works at NASA. Last week NASA launched a new rover that will head to Mars for exploration. The rover weighs one ton, has a robotic arm, drill, video camera and equipment to explore soil andRead… Read more »