What it Takes to Be a Leader

Today I attended the second day of the National Academy of Public Administration’s annual fall meeting. One of the sessions I attended, Answer the Questions: How to Lead in Difficult Environments. Leadership for Long Term Planning and/or Short-Term Fixes” had a remarkable conversation on what skills are needed for leadership in the public sector. TheRead… Read more »

Is Government Enabling Online Addiction?

If not, they should be! Almost everyday I see a different GovLoop member stressing the importance of online engagement in government as a tool for better customer service. As governments seek to serve citizens with more information online, are they contributing to our information overdose…or providing a quick hit that helps us more immediately? TakeRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Would You Return a Lost Phone?

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I know someone who recently left their phone on the Metro, yes the busy Metro. What’s the worst part? She lost it during rush hour. While stillRead… Read more »

United We Stand: Enriching the Lives of Our Wounded Veterans

The US Olympic Committee is a leader in the Paralympic sports movement and dedicated to assisting physically disabled Americans. While the USOC is widely known for competitive athletic programs, it is also dedicated to enriching the lives of wounded Veterans and encouraging them to live an active lifestyle. Deloitte, a partner of the USOC, recentlyRead… Read more »

Follow the Yellow Brick Road (Forward)

Last week we asked GovLoop Budgeteers to share their budgeting challenges in preparation for the release of the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis’ (AABPA) first Survey of Federal Budget Professionals. Many government employees dread the coming budget cuts. But federal budget professionals look forward to the challenge of crafting smaller budgets that stillRead… Read more »

50,000 Strong

Today we as a community are hitting an awesome milestone. 50,000 members. That’s pretty crazy. I vividly remember the day in my cubicle at DHS talking to my colleagues about how there should be an online community to meet other government employees and share best practices. They thought I was crazy and it would neverRead… Read more »

What Would Our Future Leaders Do With $100 Million of the Budget?

Giving back is a big part of GovLoop. Every year we try to give back to government and those people who focus themselves on public service. One of our initiatives to accomplish that is our annual scholarship contest. This year we partnered with NASPAA and are awarding 3 scholarships to graduate students who’s educational focusRead… Read more »

How Can You Shape the ESRI ArcGIS User Conference?

Calling all presenters! Esri wants you to be part of the ultimate resource for Esri Users! Do you have a knowledge and a passion for ArcGIS? Want to share your tips, strategies, and accomplishments with fellow GIS professionals? Esri is looking for ArcGIS users to submit presentation abstracts for Esri’s next user conference. You canRead… Read more »