What Are the Secrets to Being an Amazing Manager?

Being a manager isn’t easy — especially when you’re confronted with tight resources and tough decisions. And being a manager is different from being a leader, right? Leaders cast an inspiring vision and empower people at an organizational level to achieve it. Managers are really the front-line supervisors responsible for ensuring the goals are executedRead… Read more »

Back to School with Graduate School USA: Sharpening Your Tools

The Back to School with Graduate School USA series is supported by the Graduate School USA. Ah. It’s back to school season. School kids are buying new backpacks and binders while college students are doing the annual run to IKEA to fix up their dorms. So where does that leave you? Ever thought of goingRead… Read more »

When Did Statistics Go Mainstream? – 9/8 GL Training

Join GovLoop and our partner IBM to learn how to use analytics to boost efficiency and cut costs in our next GovLoop training on 9/8 at 2pm – RSVP **************************************************************************************************************************************** I remember the first time I got excited about statistics. I was in an introductory to statistics class and was taught how to use SPSSRead… Read more »

What Type of Online Sharer Are You?

The New York Times Insight Group recently came out with this really fascinating research on the Psychology of Sharing. Lots of super interesting stuff here, but one section that really interested me are these 6 personas of sharers: The New York Times study found there are six sharing personas for online fans. Understanding these differentRead… Read more »

Esri Video Series: An Introduction from Esri’s Chris Thomas

Members of the GovLoop team recently attended the 2011 Esri User Conference located in beautiful San Diego, California. The conference hosted over 16,000 GIS users including a strong government user community. Here is our first installment of a multiple-part video series. This interview series focuses on how government is using GIS. We had the opportunityRead… Read more »

Hurricane Tech – What Government is Doing

I’ve been watching the Hurricane bear down the East Coast and been following what various agencies are using for technology. Was trying to put together what each agency should need for communications in disaster 1) Web & capacity- NYC.gov went down for a little while yesterday and people were quite upset. Show’s the need forRead… Read more »

Biggest Online Community Killer

Ever wondered what the biggest online community killer is? I’ve been looking at communities lately of all shapes and sizes. Is it mean bloggers? Spam? Too controversial? Answer: Not Interesting So…how do you keep things interesting? 5 Ways to Make Your Community Interesting 1. Invite people passionate about your subject. I get kicks talking aboutRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Be Awesome at Public Affairs – Lessons from Playing w/ BGOV

Join us on Sep. 21st to see, do, and learn about Bloomberg Government with an interactive session with tips on how it can help you be awesome as a public affairs official. Limited seating so please RSVP.—————————————————————————————————– I’ll be honest – I’m an unabashed Bloomberg fan. I’ve read Michael Bloomberg’s biography (awesome), respect him asRead… Read more »