Scheduling Your Day: Most Important Thing First?

Personally, I am most wide awake, energetic, and focused early in the morning. Except my morning hours are usually sucked away by reading email, putting out fires, and being in meetings. Once I realized I was wasting these beautifully productive hours in things that did not require my absolute full attention, I started blocking offRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs By Major – Cool List

I get this question asked a lot – what federal jobs should apply for by major? Cool list by USAJOBS Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Federal Jobs By College Major Help Download the PDF file To help you choose the right career field, we have prepared the following table that groups Federal jobs thatRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: 2011 Digital Cities Announced

Government Technology has announced the 2011 rankings from the 2011 Digital Cities Survey. The city and county of Honolulu, Hawaii, Olathe, Kan., Roseville, Calif. and Eden Prairie, Minn. were identified as the top cities. The survey has been conducted for the past 11 years and ranks municipalities that best show how technology enchances public serviceRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Get Disconnected

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Last week we were talking about air travel etiquette. As we saw, there is a time and a place for using your cell phone. With smart phones,Read… Read more »

Government Resume Makeover: Christman, Flynn and Kugler

Earlier this year, GovLoop and Young Government Leaders (YGL) launched the “Rock Your Resume” Project. It started out as a group on GovLoop in January, but has quickly grown to over 800 members. What began as peer reviews has evolved to leverage the experience of two top-notch expert reviewers – Camille Roberts & Paul BinkleyRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover: IT Department Edition?

How does your IT department look from an outside perspective, maybe even your CIO’s perspective? Check out this insightful post from Centurylink’s own Blake Wetzel. It really asks the big questions that all of us should be exploring! Originally posted in the ThinkGig Blog. We’ve all had those moments: A time when we take aRead… Read more »