Social Media Strategies: Five Great Examples of Social Media, RSVP 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. As we get closer to GovDelivery’s event next week, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions, here a five strategies from my favorite social networks and some cool examples from Federal agencies. FourSquare/Location Based FourSquare takes a lotRead… Read more »

Are You Meeting the Small Business Goals? Analysis from BGov

*****Want to learn more about Bloomberg Government and how to use its acquisition and spending research? Join us on 10/27 for our free See. Do. Learn event – RSVP at**** In government procurement, there is an emphasis on ensuring a variety of certain types of business have a chance to compete for procurement dollars.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: More Trouble for Banking Industry

The Washington Post reports that Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and GMAC Mortgage defrauded veterans and taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars through illegal fees in veterans’ home refinancing loans. A suit was brought by a two whistleblowers in an Atlanta federal court. The Washington Post Reports: The suit accusesRead… Read more »

How NASA Lives on Through Social Media

Just read this really interesting post from the Deloitte Perspectives Blog and thought I’d share. It’s so great to see NASA embrace social media like it has. How is NASA reaching out to the public? Read more below! The shuttle may be grounded, but NASA’s relevance lives on. On Thursday 21 July the space shuttleRead… Read more »

How Your Military Skills Can Get you Hired!

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career? Ever wonder how the skills you’ve gained through military service can translate into a civilian job? GEICO’s got you covered. Not only does GEICO have a whole hub specifically designed to help military servicemen and women adjust back to civilian career life, but it provides a “MilitaryRead… Read more »