Social Media Tactics: 5 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Campaign: RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. The theme for this week is 5 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Campaign. Social media changes fast – the tools people use and the strategies people deploy. Make sure you are staying on top of the latestRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: The Future of the Mobile Agency

Last Thursday (9/29), GovLoop and SAP hosted a training webinar on “The Future of the Mobile Agency”. During the training we discussed mobile apps developed by NIH and Salt Lake City and learned about how SAP is supporting it’s government partners in “going mobile”. Below please find key resources related to the training session: 1.Read… Read more »

GovLaunch: Marines Release Social Media Handbook

Amazing how quickly things change, two years ago, the Marines banned personnel from using social media and last week the Marines released a social media handbook detailing ways to use social media for improved communications. Throughout the Marine Corps’ history, people have discussed, debated and embraced the United States Marine Corps and our Marines. TheseRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: NIH Intramural Research Program

This weeks project of the week comes from the NIH. After more than two years in development, the new website for the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health launched, congrats to the NIH! Ben Chambers shared with us some information about the new website and the Intramural Research Program. Be sure toRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Work. There’s an app for that!

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. These days we are seeing folks not only using Blackberries, but smartphones like Droids, iPhones, etc. for their work phones. There are tons of mobile applications availableRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Where Does Your Agency Rank in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey?

Joe Davidson from the Washington Post reports that the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey has been released by OPM. The survey is conducted annually to learn how feds feel about their workplace. The post reports that over 266,000 federal employees completed the agreement. The Post reports: To take a deeper dive into one aspect of theRead… Read more »

Oh! The Places You’ll Go!

Remember last year when GovLoop went to twelve different cities to visit GovLooper’s from coast-to-coast in a superb GovUp way? Well, weee’rrree baaaack!! Not quite as aggressively, but don’t worry – you’ll have your chance to get us to your city before the end of next year…I promise! For now, here is the line up:Read… Read more »

Do You Have a Telework Dress Code?

I’ve been a professional teleworker for several years and find myself changing things up to get in the right productive mind-set. While I typically find myself in jeans and a GovLoop T-shirt it’s interesting to hear from other teleworking friends on their style when working from the home office, the coffee shop or the sharedRead… Read more »

CenturyLink Takes Highline to New Heights

The Highline Public school District serves approximately 17,500 students across Washington State. There are 38 Highline campuses, including multiple elementary, middle, and high schools in addition to operational locations. With the amount of students to educate and an increase in the desire for new feature-rich media applications, the school system was facing a major challenge.Read… Read more »