How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Career (FREE Online Training)

More than 230 GovLoopers have responded to a challenge from Dave Dejewski to explain what they do in 7 words or less and Jeffrey Levy has asked: “Can you tweet what you offer an employer?” While the responses are clever, you’ve got to wonder if 7 words or 140 characters are enough to tell yourRead… Read more »

Federal Mentoring Roundtable: Diversity, Leadership, Mentoring and You

Last week, I was excited to roll out GovLoop’s brand new, first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentoring program. In just one week, over 70 mentors have signed up! Thank you to everyone who’s signed up so far – and it’s not too late for more mentors to come on board. We’d love to have 150 mentors on theRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Don’t TXT, JST DRV.

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. How many times have we dealt with a similar scenario to this: You are headed into work or on a long trip and the phone goes off.Read… Read more »

Why You Can’t Build an Online Community Overnight

I’ve seen folks build a beautiful online community interface and outreach strategy. They have their mission defined, the blogs and discussions open for action, and their server prepared for activity overload. It goes live and – – – and – – – and – – – wait for it – – – and – –Read… Read more »

Social Media During a Crisis

I just read an interesting article by David Stephenson from Federal Computer Week, Give the Public a Role in Disaster Response. I wanted to share a few quotes from the article and connect with anyone who may be working in emergency management. David has clearly identified that social media has added another complex layer toRead… Read more »

GEICO Brings us to the HomeFront

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ————————————— The GEICO blogosphere has expanded! GEICO’s love and respect for military personnel runs deep. Launched on the Fourth of July, GEICO has created a brand new blog, HomeFront by GEICO. HomeFront creates a channel for members of the military and their families to share stories, pictures, videos,Read… Read more »

Was Abe Lincoln Honest?

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ——————————————————— Hello GovLoopers! It’s Friday, and not just any ordinary Friday. Today is the beginning of one of my favorite holidays of the year. This weekend we celebrate our great nation and all who made our freedom and liberty possible. In keeping with this season of patriotism andRead… Read more »