Friday Fab Five: Resumes 101, World of Gov-craft, and Random Hacks of Kindness

Congratulations! You made it through another week, which means it’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! Don’t power down that laptop or blackberry quite yet. We had a lot of great content this past week on GovLoop, and it’s now time to highlight some of the top contributions. Today’s Blog of the Week is actuallyRead… Read more »

GEICO Can Save You 15% or More..on Your Degree

We all know that GEICO is devoted to public servants, but you may not know that GEICO has a commitment to giving back to those who serve our country. GEICO has established a brand new scholarship program at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) for the spouses and children of federal government employees andRead… Read more »

Go Green, Recycle, and Educate

What do you do with your old cell phones? I know I have three sitting at my house. According to Qwest, Americans own about 500 million obsolete, broken or unused cell phones. “Recycling cell phones helps the environment by reducing the amount of resources extracted from the earth, keeping usable materials out of landfills, andRead… Read more »

Project of the Week:

I learned a few week ago that the Small Business Administration (SBA) had launched a new community for small business owners, so I asked them a few questions about it. Below are their responses. 1 – Tell me about the new SBA Community project. What is the concept behind it? What does it entail? TheRead… Read more »

Free Tix – How is your agency improving performance measurement?

Goal setting and running regular, data-driven reviews are tools an agency can use to improve performance. Across the federal government, we need to understand where we are regarding current performance, and be able to regularly ask the right questions to review progress on meeting those goals. It’s less about hitting a specific target and moreRead… Read more »

“I Don’t Care About Anyone But Me” – Hyper-Local Gov 2.0

As I’ve been sitting in on sessions at CityCamp Raleigh, there’s one recurring statement that I’ve heard: “I don’t care what’s going on in [insert neighboring town/city here]. I want information that’s directly relevant to me.” It’s really a variation of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) – you and I are heartless about what’s happeningRead… Read more »

Notes from CityCamp Raleigh Day 2 Sessions

Community Supported Agriculture -Pay for share up front – $100 to $600-Fresh, safe food delivered to your neighborhood-“Human” Scale -Careful built ec-osystems to handle pest control -Means more jobs – small farms are labor intensive, more middle class small businesses-200 people, 100 people Adriel Hampton -San Fran has about 50 official Twitter accounts – it’sRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Youtah, Robot Uprisings, and Comic Sans’ Revenge

Having a short week was nice, no? It came quickly, but believe it or not, it’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! Well it’ll be back to the normal grind next week, but in the meantime, why not sit back, relax, and take a reflect on some of the top content here on GovLoop. Today’sRead… Read more »