Daily Dose: Another Transit Shutdown Crisis Brewing

The Washington Post reports that state transportation officials are worried that another congressional stalemate could lead to a halt in construction projects nationwide, leaving thousands out of work and delays in highway and transit projects. The Washington Post reports: “Facing a Sept. 30 deadline, officials are mindful of the deadlock that occurred this month overRead… Read more »

What Tools Government Needs in an Earthquake

Some thoughts on gov’t resources during the east coast earthquake. 1) Website – how key is it to have your website up in a situation like this – like usgs.gov? You need Akamai (or type product) so you can scale your hosting when your servers get crushed. Some problems w/ usgs.gov being slow but seemsRead… Read more »

People Power: Harnessing Citizen Energy Via Social Media

Last week, I had the opportunity to present for the Maryland Association of Counties (MACO) summer meeting along with Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz. Earlier this year, he announced that Baltimore County would be launching 23 technology initiatives and he shared a bit about their social media efforts to communicate more effectively with citizens onRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Memphis PD – Fighting Crime with Analytics!

This week’s Project of the Week is brought to you by one of GovLoop’s 2011 Major Partners, IBM. As the year continues they will be present on GovLoop to help you with any Analytics questions you may have. Dr. GovLoop recently caught up with Nathan Greenhut of IBM about how they’ve been of great assistanceRead… Read more »

Phone tips & Tricks: Hear and Be Heard

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I don’t know about you, but I still get a weird feeling when I see a person walking down the street talking or singing to themselves. ThenRead… Read more »

Should Government Be Run Like a Business?

I was thinking back on a lecture in grad school this morning and wanted to briefly share part of an article and pose the question, should government be run like a business? The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering, is an article by Robert Denhardt and Janet Denhardt that I read during graduate school.Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: Cutting Budgets? Cut the Power!

We’re all being asked to cut back on our budgets these days – cuts are taking place in local, state and federal agencies across the country. And while many of the budgetary decisions in the federal government will fall in the hands of the “super congress” this fall, there’s at least one way that eachRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Renewed Vow for Equal Pay Law Enforcement

A joint letter from EEOC Chair, Jacqueline Berrien and OPM Director, John Berry, has been sent to all civilian federal employees asserting that they are vowing “the most rigorous possible enforcement” of equal pay laws for federal employees. “Almost 50 years ago, when President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, womenRead… Read more »