GovHelp: Q & A Default and Federal Workers
Although we are just waiting on the vote to seal the Debt Crisis deal, here is a write up from the Washington Post on how a default would impact federal workers: Q & A: Default and Federal Workers Favorite
Although we are just waiting on the vote to seal the Debt Crisis deal, here is a write up from the Washington Post on how a default would impact federal workers: Q & A: Default and Federal Workers Favorite
Government Executive reported today that the Center for Disease Control’s BioSense Program will be moving to the cloud. Officials believe that the move to the cloud will increase collaboration and save the agency money. The BioSense Program was created in 2002 to provide early detection of illness and outbreaks of disease that could be anRead… Read more »
So it looks like a debt deal will be reached today. No matter what the final legislation looks like, one thing is certain: there will be massive cuts. And I’ve got to admit something – I’m excited about it. You see, there are two responses in times of austerity: Retraction: Cut programs and personnel toRead… Read more »
(image source) Are you ever at a party, or with some friends and start twitching to check your phone? Do you ever tweet or post a Facebook update just to experience the high of the response? If so, is technology the new smoking? Lots of scary parallels here. Many join social media sites initially toRead… Read more »
I’ve been studying the Tao Te Ching lately. Here are some tips I’ve extracted that can be applied to any online community. 1. Spend time in your community. Delight in their doings. The only way you will truly learn how to lead a community is to spend time in, and with your members. Learn whatRead… Read more »
The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I don’t know about you, but I have a big thing for apps. These days you can find an app for pretty much anything out there, whichRead… Read more »
GovLoop runs a first-of-its-kind Mentors Program that seeks to connect rising stars with seasoned professionals across government. We’ve facilitated nearly 250 pairings since 2011. The message below is for people who were fortunate enough to make a match. In the spirit of community and knowledge sharing, we’re posting it so that all members can observeRead… Read more »
Today I had the chance to go to the Department of Defense All Service Social Media Conference (DODASSMC) at Georgetown University’s Clarendon Campus. If you are a community manager or interested in connecting with people running social media programs, you should for sure check out the group. Today there were four speakers, everyone did aRead… Read more »
IT’s HERE!!!!! This is it guys…Next Generation of Government #2 is upon us. This is your community, your conference, and your awesomeness. I’ve been giddy all week with the epicness on the horizon. That said, sometimes it helps to take a breather and step back before 2 days of nonstop synapse firing to get yourRead… Read more »
With all the talk and news about our National Debt Ceiling it’s not a bad idea to look at your own person debt ceiling and think about how you are managing your finances in today’s economy. The Dream Big Site is a cool site for you to find tips, tools, and resources to help youRead… Read more »