Top 5: Awesome Ways USDA Reworked Its New Website

9:30pm last night USDA launched their Department-wide website redesign. From the beginning, they set out to tackle quite the challenge: Here’s what they faced: Do completely in-house working with a limited budget/resources Design an easy to navigate homepage to get citizens to the right place, and on their way effectively and efficiently Coordinate with 29Read… Read more »

Facebook and Fort Bragg: Two Powerful Forces Unleashed?

This Thursday, Fort Bragg is trying something new: live interaction with citizens via Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from an article in the Fayetteville Observer: Fort Bragg leaders will answer questions live Thursday on Facebook, the popular social-networking site that until 2009 was blocked on many military computer networks. “We’re hoping specifically to have interaction withRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA’s Federal Cloud Computing Program

Government Rockstar Mary Davie has been posting Projects of the Week for some time now…but this is the first time I’ve been able to catch up with her after she started her new role as GSA’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services (ITS). Below is a quick Q&A that highlights GSA’s effortsRead… Read more »

GovLoop Featured on NPR!

In case you missed it, here’s a really an excellent write-up by Eyder Peralta that captures the essence of GovLooper interactions around the shutdown: At Web’s Social Hive For Government Workers, A Mix of Disillusion, Hope An excerpt from this well-written piece: As the government shutdown started to seem inevitable, the talk on the publicRead… Read more »

A Shutdown Is No Cake Walk For Contractors

Let’s face it a shutdown affects everyone. I don’t think anyone would say that federal workers aren’t at the forefront of the shutdown battlefield but don’t forget about your average citizen and yes gov’t contractors. The SECAF, an industry association representing more than 400 small and medium government contractors conducted a survey over the lastRead… Read more »

Furlough Numbers By Agency

Everyone is wondering who’s furloughed and who’s not well thanks to the awesome people over at GovExec we now have an agency by agency breakdown. Here’s some of the big agencies. For the full list please go to GovExec. Education: 4,150 workers out of 4,465 full- and part-time employees would be furloughed. Homeland Security: ApproximatelyRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Social Media Ninjas, Shutdown Rockstars, or National Champs- Which are you?

Shutdown Got You Down? It’s time to take a quick break for the… Friday Fab Five! Yes, it is a stressful day for many to say the least, but it’s also Friday, which means it’s time to take a look back at the week’s accomplishments. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to SteveRead… Read more »