Forget the Review: Just Give Me My Raise Already!

Isn’t that what happens in government under the current Grade-Step system? People basically advance in career and compensation based on years in office vs. quality of performance. At least that’s the overall perception of public sector pay among citizens…and OPM Director John Berry: The current review process “seems to take place in Garrison Keillor’s LakeRead… Read more »

Mobile Cybersecurity…Things Really Have Gotten Wild!

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the AFFIRM Luncheon for an awesome talk on the state of cybercrime worldwide. Donald Codling, Unit Chief and DHS Liaison, Cyber Division from the FBI, took us through a very informative presentation on the topic of cybercrime on a mobile scale. I never knew there wereRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Vicky Marquez

This week we’re honoring Vicky Marquez, who began her career in public service via the HHS Emerging Leaders Program. She’s got some great ideas for improving government, as you’ll see below, and I hope she gets the chance to implement some of them in a future role. Here’s her story. 1 – What was yourRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Tips on Informational Interview

Top 5 – How to Conduct an Informational Interview About three years ago, I conducted an extensive job search. As part of that job search, I held probably 40 information interviews. Well, now life reverses its course and I’ve been helping folks out recently as I’ve been the interviewee on the information interview. As such,Read… Read more »

Top Govies Get Into Sunshine Week

It’s Sunshine Week and that means it’s time to celebrate open data and government. There have been big strides this year and several people have written several awesome things that are too many to list this week. BUT I really wanted to share the Sunshine Week post by Aneesh Chopra and Chris Vein. Also atRead… Read more »

Blunders Happen

Like anything, we often have the best intentions in our creative initiatives and miss the mark. Hence, the fail fast concept. Sometimes we get so excited to unveil a new idea or experiment, we have laser focus and don’t see the big picture. I’ve noticed a few of these blunders and faux pas lately, andRead… Read more »

FHWA Social Media Policy Launched

Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA Social Media Web 2.0 Mgmt Par. What is the purpose of this directive? Is this a new FHWA directive? What is the background of this directive? What is the scope of this directive? What authorities were used in writing this directive? What is the definition of Social Media/WebRead… Read more »