Is Social Media your town square, classroom, coffee house or Nightclub?

On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her second speech on internet freedom and social media, two subjects for which she is a strong advocate. She said the internet has become the world’s “town square, classroom, marketplace, coffee house and nightclub”. Today, I attended Facebook’s DC Live Event: Social Media and the WorldRead… Read more »

What myths would you like to see busted?

Mythbusters are in Government — and it’s not just a TV show! I had the pleasure of joining colleagues and friends at the AFFIRM luncheon today where we heard Daniel Gordon, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget candidly talk about his priorities and a few myths they are trying toRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: PETA Helps Gov’t Save Money?

When I woke up and read the Washington Post this morning I found one article particularly laughable: TSA drops Iditarod recruitment plans after PETA complains The first things I thought is “oh PETA those crazy SOB’s” but then I had to ask myself “why is TSA recruiting at the Iditarod? Is there some sort governmentRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Another Government Shutdown?

The term “March Madness” is about to take on a whole new meaning, and I’m not talking about basketball… With the March 4th cutoff date fast approaching, there is one question that continues to loom in the minds of govies everywhere- what if the federal government is forced to face another shutdown? Chris Cillizza overRead… Read more »

What Do Government Employees Think of the President’s Budget?

Yesterday, GovLoop hosted its second live chat in tandem with the Washington Post. While the first chat tackled the State of the Union, this one covered the President’s proposed budget. In case you missed the chat, you can review it here: By the way, if the chat sparked your interest, you’ll appreciate these otherRead… Read more »

What’s Your 6-Word Career Story?

The GovLoop community is clearly way ahead of the curve when it comes to the power of answering a hefty question in 7 words or less. This exercise forces you to crystallize only the essentials. For example: Well, apparently others have taken note, like this Valentine’s day-theme post by the WSJ: Here are some ofRead… Read more »

The Only 3 Things You Need to Understand the President’s 2012 Budget

So the President unveiled his budget today…and there are a dozen documents that you could review. For folks not accustomed to looking at the budget, here are three quick places to find the top line nuggets: Great Video from the White House Explaining the Overall Approach 2012 Federal Budget Summary Tables * TIP: Skip toRead… Read more »

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

Food for Thought From #Gov2.0LA

I am going to be honest. No one is twisting my arm this weekend to attend Gov2.0LA. With a backdrop like this, and temperatures in the mid-70s, life is good. Not to mention the rampant ideas and energy-rich conversations going on with a room full of experts dedicated to making government better. Despite my sun-inducedRead… Read more »