Geeking Out With Gavin: Making the Most of Shortcuts and Hotkeys

“Geeking Out with Gavin” is a weekly series highlighting ways to improve your productivity on the web. In my day-to-day work and use of the computer, I find that the vast majority of my time is spent in the browser. Sure, I’ll delve into MS Office occasionally, do some playlist modification with my music program,Read… Read more »

Cheeky Challenge: Five Big Answers About Government 2.0 in 2011, Part 1

A few days ago, Mark Drapeau posted a blog here on GovLoop and several other places around the web, asking “Five Big Questions About Government 2.0 in 2011.” In my response to that post, I took issue with Mark’s blanket statement that “government practitioners’ use of social media is not very sophisticated, does not takeRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Smarter Event Networking Using Twitter

For those of us interested in expanding our networks (as we all should be), attending in-person events is key. Here are 5 ways Twitter can enhance your professional event-goings, and give you more bang for your networking buck. Consider 2 scenarios: Scenario 1: You’re new to a geographic location, industry, or company. You walk intoRead… Read more »

Social Networking Worldwide – GovLoop talks to Ontario + OpsPedia

Spoke to today to the Province of Ontario via Skype about Govloop. My presentation is below. Some cool notes-Province of Ontario has its own collaboration site – OpsPedia – based on WordPress/BuddyPress. Biggest issue for them is getting resources to succeed (right now it’s a part-time/side project)-Online consultation with citizens – required lots of approval,Read… Read more »

Tips from Texas Gov 2.0 Camp: Transparency and a Lone Star Legislator

The Texas Gov 2.0 Camp has been happening yesterday and today and I was lucky enough to be on an email string where I learned from Steven Polunsky, Director of the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce for (Texas State) Senator John Carona that they are engaged in some innovative transparency initiatives in the TexasRead… Read more »

Premier Business Leadership Series in Las Vegas Video Review

I am currently a student at The Maxwell School at Syracuse University working towards my Masters in Public Administration. I use this blog to write about my experiences at Maxwell, especially related to social media use in the public sector. You can follow me on Twitter: @pjfiorenza and please feel free to leave some comments!Read… Read more »