Geeking Out With Gavin: Boomerang Your Gmails

Last week, I told you about my run-in with the neighbor. The college kid helped me with my laptop and gave me some great advice on optimizing Gmail. So I decided to turn it into a series on GovLoop. Here’s your latest installment! Q: What was that Boomerang thing you mentioned that allows me toRead… Read more »

Today at 2pm – GovLoop Training – Speaking about the Cloud in Common Language – Register for Part 1, 1/27

**Still time to register – Register for our 2-part GovLoop Online training – 1/27 & 2/3 – to get trained on the cloud and it’s benefit. Presented by Microsoft** Last year, government passed the Plain Language Act. Well, I think technologists should pass the “No Jargon Act” For the last three years, everybody has beenRead… Read more »

Top 10- What’s Next DC 2011

On Monday I spent most of my afternoon at an awesome conference called What’s Next DC. The conference largely consisted of a variety of Marketing/Social Media/PR/SEO gurus (GovLoop’s own Steve Ressler included) all coming together to talk about what’s working for them now, and how to make improvements in the coming months and years. PairRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Bitter Partisanship and Better Health Care (Duke’s Peter Ubel)

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Peter Ubel – a physician and behavioral scientist who “explores the quirks in human nature that influence our lives — the mixture of rational and irrational forces that affect our health, our happiness and the way our society functions.” He is also “a Professor of Marketing and Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: First-Hand on Rhode Island Taking OpenGov Lead with Mike Trainor

I was in Rhode Island yesterday talking to the fantastic Governor Chafee’s team about public communications and open government. Governor Chafee was one of the first candidates in the nation to have an open government initiative (which even mentions using GovLoop to connect their employees) and one of the first governors to have a transitionRead… Read more »

The State of Engagement

Here’s a really nice round-up up the technology and engagement aspect of last night’s #SOTU. From folks over in the UK at Helpful Technology. The State of Engagement… What did you like about last night’s #SOTU technology/engagement/citizen outreach-wise? Favorite