All the World Wants is a Good Job?

Posted in Deloitte’s Perspectives Blog By Greg Pellegrino One world-wide desire? A good job. That’swhat Gallup concluded in 2007, based on data it collected in its World Poll, anongoing effort to learn what’s on the minds of six billion people around theglobe. It’s a startling discovery. Imagine:from Cleveland to Kandahar, from Shenzhen to Montevideo, stopRead… Read more »

SeeClickFix Takes Gov 2.0 to Next Level with Series A Round of Funding

One of the most promising Gov 2.0 companies is SeeClickFix, which has won numerous awards for its mobile platform where citizens report non-emergency issues such as potholes and graffiti. I recently talked to CEO, Ben Berkowitz, about some big news happening with the company. So tell us the big news. What just happened? SeeClickFix hasRead… Read more »

The Business of Being Real

Eight years ago, I was 22, and was just starting my first full-time job in the “real world.” I was a Marketing Assistant for a mid-size consulting company in Cambridge, MA. After a few days on the job, I realized I would be writing A LOT (which just tickled me pink), but I also realizedRead… Read more »

The 3 A’s of Awesome

As many of you remember from GovLoop’s Inaugural Next Generation of Government Summit last July, Neil Pasricha, author of the blog 1000 Awesome Things and the Book of Awesome gave a truly inspiring presentation on how to focus on the positive. Our Community Manager Andy Krzmarzick then challenged us to think of 1000 Awesome ThingsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Have You Ever Felt Threatened as a Government Employee?

Like you, I am deeply disturbed by the Rep. Giffords shooting in Arizona. While the shooter clearly suffers from mental instability, the level of animosity in America towards public servants – from executive, legislative and judicial branches to Federal, state and local government – appears to be at an unprecedented high. But is the actualRead… Read more »

More Details – Recruiting/Hiring Students and Recent Grads

More information from John Berry on Executive Order 13562: On December 27, 2010, President Obama signed Executive Order 13562 entitled “Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates.” The principal purpose of the order is to establish a comprehensive structure to help the Federal Government be more competitive in recruiting and hiring talented individuals who areRead… Read more »

Get Your GovLoop On Hootsuite

Are you an avid tweeter? facebooker? Well if so we’ve got good news now you can send your tweets and status updates straight to GovLoop at the same time you are sending them to facebook and twitter. Thanks to a Ning upgrade we here at GovLoop have synced with Hootsuite. For those of you unfamiliarRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Social Media Tips for New Governors and Their Staff

This month, a number of new governors will be transitioning into office. Most of these governors used online media to win their campaigns (from campaign web sties, email lists to Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Google/FB ads, and more). As they transition into governing, I have 5 quick tips on how to build upon their desireRead… Read more »