UConn? City of Austin Is The Real Champ

This time of year all the sports junkies out there are talking about basketball and who won last night’s NCAA championship. But what about us govies? We’re left talking about budget battles, possible shutdowns and pretty much everything else gloom and doom. All those things are important, but what about the awesome in government? It’sRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Junkies, Shlump-ies, and How to Really Surprise Your Teacher

No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. It’s time for the… FRIDAY FAB 5! TGIF, and I’m not talking about abc’s Friday night sitcom lineup from the 90’s. It’s time to take a look back at some or the top GovLoop content from the past week. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes toRead… Read more »

New GovLoop T-Shirt Design

When GovLoop team members head out to happy hours or conferences there’s always one thing that people want the green Gov’t Rockstar T-shirt. Yes we know they are awesome. (side note if you want to score a Gov’t Rockstar T-shirts you can here). BUT we like to try new things at GovLoop so we areRead… Read more »

TED Talks Are My Red Bull

Creativity is a weird phenomenon. You never quite know when it will appear and flood your thinking, and trying to coo it out into daylight is like trying to coo a scared cat out of from under the bed. But when it appears in full force, you feel like a million bucks. You jump onRead… Read more »

A Pathway to Pathways

With the results for the 2011 PMF program being released any day now, I thought this would be a good opportunity to start this discussion… When I attended the “PMF and Pathways Programs: Reinventing the Old and Implementing the New” discussion at NAPA’s headquarters a few weeks ago, this is how they introduced the session:Read… Read more »

GL Chat – Enchanting in the Face of Adversity – Highlights from Guy Kawasaki talk

“If you’re not failing every now and then, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative” – Woody Allen We had an awesome live video chat with Guy Kawasaki today about “How Government Can Be Enchanting?” Well, I’d better preface that to say we had awesome content …but had technical difficulties with getting videoRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is Government The Minor Leagues?

There is an interesting trend happening in government social media circles… they are becoming less and less government and more and more social media. What am I talking about? It seems that social media giants and other private based tech companies are gobbling up government talent. According to the Washington Post Silicon Valley is becomingRead… Read more »

New GovLoop iPhone App Released- v1.4

Hey GovLoopers – Some of you may not be aware of it but we have a GovLoop iphone app ( http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/govloop/id356284860?mt=8). Actually have had one for over a year. It’s been a pretty cool way to -Read the latest blogs and discussions on GovLoop -Read the latest news across government news channels Heck we evenRead… Read more »