Best of 2010: Top GovLoop Videos

We’ve going through the top just about anything you can think of for GovLoop in 2010. As an ex TV person this next category is a little near and dear to my heart… videos. Honestly we didn’t have thousands upon thousands of videos on GL this year but believe me that’s a goal for 2011,Read… Read more »

Dreams for Kids + Holiday for Hope

Back in October, GovLoop + GovDelivery teamed up with Dreams for Kids. Meeting the volunteers and members of this organization proved to us one thing: THEY ROCK. They are ceaselessly energetic, giving, and entertaining. What we didn’t know at the time, is that they also know how to pull-off amazing parties. So with that, I’dRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top 5 Federal Collaboration Projects

As Stephen points out, it’s the time of year for reflecting on the best of, and what better way than in classic GovLoop list-style. Here are some of my favorite 2010 Federal Collaboration Projects. 5. Piggy Bank Anyone? As NextGov puts it: You’re never too young to learn financial responsibility. Back in August, the TreasuryRead… Read more »