Ask the GovExpert: Procurement Is NOT Monkeys Punching Out Purchase Orders

GovLoop is excited to bring you a new series we’re calling “Ask the GovExpert.” We’d like to bring new voices to the community, introducing you to people who are at the top of their fields. We kick off our inaugural interview with Shannon Wampler, a Senior Supply Diversity Coordinator at the University of Virginia. InRead… Read more »

Six Social Media Trends for 2011 (from Harvard Business Review)

David Armano of lays out his predictions for 6 social media trends for 2011. Read the full scoop on the Harvard Business Review here. He makes some interesting points (boiled down, below): 1. It’s The Integration Economy, Stupid. 2. Tablet & Mobile Wars Create Ubiquitous Social Computing. 3. Facebook Interrupts Location-Based Networking. 4. Average ParticipantsRead… Read more »

What do Twitter, Youtube, and Robert Gibbs Have in Common? First Question.

In light of this week being the one year anniversary of the Open Government Directive, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite uses of social media in government. I’ve touched on the White House’s open government efforts in a previous post of mine, but I wanted to give some praise to “First Question,” aRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: What About Our Children?

Do you receive a child care subsidy as a Federal employee? Joe Davidson at the Washington Post thinks it’s not enough: Child-care subsidy is spotty for government employees Here’s why: One benefit [the Federal government] provides, at least on paper and to some workers, is child-care subsidies. It’s certainly a good investment to support dayRead… Read more »

Community Building: Interview a Rockstar

John Moore’s post: Please Stop Telling Me How Great You Are spurred some great conversation on GovLoop today. You should read the whole post, but if you only have a few seconds, here’s the jist: “too many people look at social media as a tool to blast out messages and fail to understand that theseRead… Read more »

VIDEO: Open Gov Directive Anniversary Q&A with White House

In case you missed the Open Government Directive One-Year Anniversary LIVE today, here’s the video: What do you think? Was this a helpful 30 minutes or should it have been longer? Did they answer tough questions? Did they answer YOUR questions? Should this kind of live engagement happen more often? Sound off below. Favorite

GovInsights: Analysis of Open Government Plans at One Year

Open Government reaches a key milestone this week. Plus, we’re nearing the end of 2010 and many folks will be sharing their Top 10’s for 2010. Rather than launch into that kind of look back here (though that’s all coming soon!), I wanted to highlight some insights I gleaned from Angela Newell, who is completingRead… Read more »