Daily Dose: Do New Sick Leave Changes Make You Sick?

The pay freeze has been everywhere ever since it was announced, and rightly so! In fact, some GovLoopers have been talking about ways to make life better for Feds without pay bumps. Well, it looks like OPM is already on it… kind of. According to Ed O’Keefe’s latest Federal Eye piece, OPM is reshuffling theirRead… Read more »

Reflecting on my New Media Management Class

Amazing to think that today was my final New Media Management Class. My classmates were from all over the world (Spain, India, South Korea, China, and Columbia). Hearing their perspectives on social media and how to implement strategies was simply fascinating. We are all going to stay in touch through our Facebook page and TwitterRead… Read more »

3 Reasons Why Cities Should Focus on Seniors, Not Whippersnappers

Last week, I served on a panel at the National League of Cities Congress in Denver, Colorado. Fellow panelists included Harvard’s John O’Leary, The Performance Institute’s Alan Shark, Muni Gov 2.0 co-founder Pam Broviak and Social Media for Responders founder Mark Basnight. Each of us offered our insights about the state of social media inRead… Read more »

Community Building: Top 5 Ways to Ensure a Successful Launch

Launching an online community can be a tricky process. Here are 5 ways to get you on the right path. 1. Start small: Clay Shirky puts it best: “projects that will work only if they grow large generally won’t grow large; people who are fixated on creating large-scale future success can actually reduce the possibilityRead… Read more »

My 4 Part Government Engagement Funnel

Often government engagement is done as a one-off. A one-time call for feedback. A one-time challenge. However, I think government should think more about building long-term relationships and engagement with stakeholders. Think about it in a non-profit, political, or for-profit model: -For-profit – Does Groupon want you to just buy today’s deal? Nope – theyRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Etiquette, Pay Freeze, Maxwell and More

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Megan Price‘s Top 5 – Airport Etiquette. Megan has been traveling a lot lately and decided toRead… Read more »

Steve Ressler Visits the Maxwell School

Thanks to Professor Ines Mergel, my Public Organizations and Management Class had the opportunity to listen to a great presentation by GovLoop founder Steve Ressler. GovLoop is essentially a “Facebook for Feds,” it is a great social network that fosters collaboration for Government employees. Steve Ressler has been referred to as a Gov 2.0 “Rock-Star.”Read… Read more »

Tulsa Training Cybersecurity Experts to Defend America

This blog was originally posted http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org. It outlines a great program in Tulsa, OK that training the type of Cybersecurity experts the U.S needs right now to be leaders in the field. The following is the first few paragraphs of the article written by Siri Carpenter. Click here for the full article which I wouldRead… Read more »