Welcome the New Faces on GovLoop Team

I’ve been blogging a lot lately on GovLoop, but haven’t been blogging as much about the behind the scenes work going on the GovLoop side. It’s been really amazing. There have been a ton of great changes in the last 6 months including: – D.C. office space – located near the White House, where weRead… Read more »

Manor.GovFresh – Beth Noveck: “OpenGov Is Not Something Nice to Do…”

I flew into Austin this morning for Manor.Govfresh and arrived just in time to hear Beth Noveck, White House Deputy CTO. Below are a few of the key ideas that I heard from Beth: – Open Government is not something nice to do; it’s something we MUST do. – Open Government is not about technology,Read… Read more »

Member of Week – Kevin Curry & CityCamp Story

I’m a big fan of Kevin Curry and the whole CityCamp movement….so thought I would reach out and hear a little a bit about the history of CityCamp and where it is going. 1 – What is CityCamp? CityCamp is an unconference focused on innovation for municipal governments and community organizations. Our tag line isRead… Read more »

Project of Week – SAMHSA.gov Redesign

So I noticed on Twitter that @andrewpwilson was part of a team that was doing a redesign of samsha.gov and I thought it would be a great project of week to hear the story about it. I reached out and here’s his responses. Shout out to team – First things first, Andrew wanted to makeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio – Yammer CEO David Sacks

David Sachs – Yammer -private, social network for just your company or organization -private Facebook or Twitter -web 2.0 company Intranet -not just small business, but large businesses too -U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife -using for Gulf oil space -NASA been using it -Snowmaggedon – lot of govt agencies using Yammer during snowmaggedonRead… Read more »

Gardening at Work?

I know a lot of companies are looking for interesting way to improve employee morale and health but I would not have thought as gardening as way to do that. After reading this article creating a company garden has a lot of benefits in improving the quality of life in the workplace. Here’s the article,Read… Read more »

Top 5 Ways to Use “Use or Lose” Time

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************************************************************** Top 5 Ways to Use “Use or Lose” Time So it’s end of the year and you have “use or lose” vacation time that you have to spend or it goes away. Here’s 5 ways to optimize theRead… Read more »