Out of Egypt: “Reflections on Blogging and Beyond”

From the Egyptian Government Blog (used auto-translate from the page, plus some of my own tidying). What do you think? Open government and government 2.0 issues are the same, wherever we live, eh? I bolded my favorite lines… **************************************************************************************** Dear Co-Reader, Like every new experience, blogging has been a different event for me. Although IRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: GovLoop’s Very Own Stephen Peteritas

******************************************** Not yet a member? Join GovLoop! ******************************************** By now, you’ve probably noticed a guy named Stephen Peteritas running around GovLoop, posting awesome questions and being uber-active. Well, it’s time to bring him out from the shadows and formally introduce the newest member of the GovLoop family (who’s not really that new anymore since he’sRead… Read more »

The Rudest Question: “How Much Do You Make?”

******************************************** Not yet a member? Join GovLoop! ******************************************** Let’s say you and I are at a party. We ask the typical questions: “Where are you from?” “What do you do?” “How much do you make?” Oh, wait. We’re not supposed to ask that last question in polite company. So why are we setting up expectationsRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned from Australia – Kate Lundy

Had Kate Lundy from Australia Senate on Gov 2.0 Radio show on Sunday. They’ve done an amazing online and offline for the Gov 2.0 Taskforce where they’ve held 3 in-person meetings to get feedback combined with online at same time where they have Twitter, live-stream, Slideshare, Flickr, YouTube/Vimeo, and Facebook. She had a few lessonsRead… Read more »

Got 10 Minutes? Help us out!

A Friend of GovLoop needs your help! More importantly, they need your help in helping government IT staff deliver the best possible service to the country by ensuring that you and your colleagues have access to timely, well-targeted, high-quality education and training resources. Will you take the this survey that will take just 10-15 minutesRead… Read more »

GovGoodies – GovLoop NYC Hilton Hotel Deal

Got another hotel deal for all you govies that have to travel to the big apple. Working with Hilton we have put together the Gotham City Government Package. Basically the deal guarantees you the lowest per diem rate at any of the following hotels plus free internet and breakfast. Doubleree Guest Suites Time Square- selectRead… Read more »

Practicing Happiness

“Happiness is the Consequence of Personal Effort” This is a quote I pulled out of my copy of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eay Pray Love – – a book I’ve kept next to my bed for the past 3 years that serves as a fixed reminder of the utter sweetness of striving. The other day while cleaningRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: National Veterans Wheelchair Games

Two weeks ago, as America celebrated its hard-fought freedom on the Fourth of July, hundreds of U.S. military veterans gathered in Denver, CO, for the 30th National Veterans Wheelchair Games. HP, one of GovLoop’s 2010 Partners, was a proud National Sponsor of the Games and they wanted to bring the event to the attention ofRead… Read more »