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Testing to see if can ads blog post via iPhone Favorite
Three factors collided to spur this post. 1. I walked myself through a 224 gold-mine slideshare deck on “The Real Social Network” and found this gem quote “Understand behavior, not technology.” 2. I stumbled across an online community for Mercedes Benz owners called “Generation Benz” that is built in flash, looks like it blew outRead… Read more »
********************************************************** JOIN US NEXT THURSDAY, NOV 18 AT 2pm – RSVP HERE! *********************************************************************************** I’m super-duper excited to announce our next GovLoop Live Chat next Thursday, November 18th at 2pm EST with Anthony Williams, co-author, MacroWikinomics-Rebooting Business and the World. This live chat is brought to you by our great partner Google – make sure toRead… Read more »
Tomorrow is Veterans Day and we’re all thinking about the significant sacrifice that our soldiers make every day. Federal Diary columnist Joe Davidson at the Washington Post suggests that one of the best ways we can truly honor them is to put them at the top of the pile for jobs: How to truly honorRead… Read more »
The Smarter Cities Challenge, launched in 2010, is a 3-year IBM Corporate Citizenship initiative to allow up to 100 cities around the world to become become smarter, more enabled centers. The goal of the challenge is to create an environment where cities around the world can learn from one another and partner up to addressRead… Read more »
No agency is an island, or a planet for that matter, so let’s talk about what best practices we can learn from others who are building communities and making it happen! ———————————————— Ever want to be a fly on the wall? How about a fly on the wall in a NASA space lab as theyRead… Read more »
As a social media fanatic who is always in front of my computer, I can’t help but feel anxious while on a plane at the thought of all that I am missing out on GovLoop, Twitter, and Facebook during those 2-4 hours of my life that I am disconnected at an altitude of 35,000 ft.Read… Read more »
*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************************************************************** Most organization have an off-site team meeting at some point. They are often used as strategy sessions and team-building sessions among other goals. Recently, we held the 1st ever GovLoop team off-site. Here are my tips on hostingRead… Read more »
****************************** Not a GovLoop Member? JOIN HERE! ****************************** A couple weeks ago, I met Timothy Cole, an auditor in the US Postal Service (USPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG). He shared with me a pretty cool crowd-sourcing project they launched recently, called “Office of Inspector General Audit Project Pages.” My interview with him isRead… Read more »
According to the Middletown Press, the American Heart Association states that although one in three females in the United States have some form of cardiovascular disease, only 21% of women view heart disease as a health threat. This year, Aetna and two of it’s top executives, Kay Mooney and Deanna Fidler, will lend a bigRead… Read more »