Live-blogging – David Eaves – Open Gov Canada

David “to prophesy is difficult – especially about the future” – chinese proverb“future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed” So I’m live at the Municipal Information Systems Agency 2010…live-blogging the keynote. David “to prophesy is difficult – especially about the future” – chinese proverb“future is already here – it’s justRead… Read more »

Remember the Alamo! 7 Lessons for Winning the Gov 2.0 Revolution

I just finished delivering a luncheon keynote for the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) 2010 Conference under the title “Remember the Alamo: Winning the Fight for Social Media.” Since the Alamo’s just a few miles down the road from Austin – and because we find ourselves in the midst of a revolution ofRead… Read more »

GovGoodies – 33% of Next American City Subscription

Local Govies listen up cause this deal is for you! GovLoop has scored $10 off a yearly subscription to the quarterly magazine Next American City. Next American City is a magazine that focuses on making cities better. They observe, document and conceive realistic solutions about how to improve cities—how to ensure that future generations’ livesRead… Read more »

Retro Flashback: Next Generation Government Will Be Mobile

One year ago, I published a post entitled “Next Generation Government: Mobile, Measurable and Malleable.“ As the Next Generation of Government Summit fast approaches, I thought I’d dust off this blog post and play it again to spark discussion in advance of the event. I’m going to run it as a series – breaking itRead… Read more »

Smile! You’re on GovLoop Camera? (Yes, Win Tix to NextGenGovSummit!)

Originally published in Government Technology Jun 7, 2010, By Russell Nichols, Staff Writer The future leaders of government have a passion for public service and know how to navigate the Web to stay connected in ways that couldn’t be done a decade ago. That’s the philosophy of Steve Ressler, (pictured) founder and president of GovLoop,Read… Read more »

Top 5 – How to Be a Horrible Boss

Everyone has had a bad boss. And perhaps you can be one too – if you play your cards right. Here’s my Top 5 ways to be a horrible boss: 1. Belittle people – Call them names, yell at them, look down on your staff. After all, they are beneath you. 2. Tell nobody nothingRead… Read more »

Top 10 Privacy News Stories

Dr. GovLoop just got his latest installment of “Privacy News Highlights” and wanted to share the best of the bunch with you. Here are the top 10 links – the stuff that I thought would most interest you. US � Senate Unanimously Passes Faster FOIA Act of 2010 The Senate unanimously passed the Faster FOIARead… Read more »