Watch out…Here Comes the Next Generation of Government

Here Comes the Next Generation of Government…(Learn more 7/6-7/7) The next generation of government is coming. And it’s coming fast. I’ve been following these changes since I came to work to the federal government in 2004 fresh out of University of Pennsylvania on a Department of Homeland Security fellowship. As the son of a careerRead… Read more »

My notes from Harvard Biz Review Leadership Articles

So I was reading a bunch of Harvard Business Review articles this weekend and thought I’d share my notes. 1. Gardner, John W. “The Road to Self-Renewal.” Stanford Alumni Magazine. March 1994: 32-35. This was a great article written by an 80-year old who had been in numerous cabinet level gov’t positions, CEO positions forRead… Read more »

Mr. President: Tear Down Those Walls!

Whenever I get a chance for some free time on trips to Washington, DC, I walk or run along the National Mall. Our nation’s capitol is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in and around the monuments and memorials. But then I walk a block off the Mall and seeRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Notes form Sonal Shah – WH Director of Soc Entrepreneurship

Sonal Shah – WH Director of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation How do we look at these problems differently? With technology, innovation, and people…what keeping us from scaling great ideas. 3 perspectives the office works from: 1-Capital – How can gov’t deploy capital differently to ensure best ideas to capital. In social sectors, get a grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Anil Dash – Expert Labs

These are the most interestingly technological challenges we can engage in Participation – Expert Labs – independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan-help policy makers make decision makers make better decisions through crowdsourcing-Part of AAAS-Can publish their findngs as an experiment Got to make ideas accessible-Time for me to get a new phone…what smartphone should I get? Was ableRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Lightning Talks Notes

New Orleans Data Group Best practices-Put metadata in plain sites and in plain english-Prove technical discussion-Fix and explain errors to locals. Go to people and see how apps perform in real-world situation. Less than 5% of web visitors have low-res displays. But 60% of senior leaders did.-Credible app – Happier neighborhood-Non-profits use data in grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Jeff Jonas on Data Context and Spear Phishing

Jeff Jonas notes from Gov 2.0 expo keynote Data will find data and relevance will find you-amazing ads tailored just for you-populations spear phised en masse Context accumulating systems used to deliver value in real-timeBetter understanding something by taking into account the things around it Data without context vs Data in context…so much more usefulRead… Read more »

Procurement 2.0 at Gov 2.0 Expo: Lessons from the Better Buy Project

Sitting in on the Procurement 2.0 session at the Expo, discussing the evolution of the Better Buy Project. The session is being masterfully moderated by Chris Dorobek. Chris Hamm, GSA: – Used IdeaVoice – Top Idea: “Put an end to dump of ‘end of year’ procurements” – Another idea: Work out requirements on a wikiRead… Read more »