The Next Big Thing in Disaster Response?

On May 25, CiviGuard will launch what it’s calls the next big thing in disaster response. In less than a week CiviGuard will launch the first city government partnership with Manor, Texas – just east of Austin – enabling the city’s first responders to tap the pervasiveness of smartphones to more effectively send out crucial,Read… Read more »

How-To: Add Tags to Appear on GovLoop’s Topics Pages

Raise your hand if you’ve noticed the new Topics Pages and find them useful! In a previous post, I shared with you “How-To: Use Tags Like a GovLoop Rockstar”, where I explained the importance of using quotes (i.e. “Government 2.0”) and hyphens (Government-2.0) to hold together your tags. With this post, I want to giveRead… Read more » on Flickr – Pretty cool

Check out on Flickr. People taking photos from Recovery funded projects I think if promoted right this has mass appeal. I’ve driven by hundreds of ARRA projects and I think it would be cool to have people take photos and submit them to Flickr and other sources. Could also be used as recoveryRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Meyer Moldeven (a 93-Year Young Member!)

One of our members, Meyer Moldeven, caught my attention by stating that he was in his “93rd year.” I quickly confirmed with him that I read that comment correctly…and it was true! So here you go – a Member of the Week that I have to believe is our most senior GovLooper! 1. How didRead… Read more »

Top 5 Worst Types of Co-Workers

A great co-worker is priceless – they make your work better, create a good work environment, and make you look good in front of the boss. A bad co-worker can make your life painful, make you dread work, and can derail your career. But there are a bunch of types of bad co-workers. Here’s myRead… Read more »