Commentary from the Wiki Phase of the BetterBuyProject (Chris Hamm)

Originally published by Chris Hamm on the BetterBuyProject Blog. GSA FEDSIM has two BetterBuy pilots underway: and ClearPath. The experience so far has been interesting. On my end, there was a tremendous amount of uncertainty leading up to the launch. Will the wiki work? Will people know how to use it? Can the serverRead… Read more »

The Generational Divide in State Legislatures

Last Friday, I served on a panel at the National Conference of State Legislatures under the session title “Generational Divide.” Natalie O’Donnell Wood, Senior Policy Specialist for NCSL, kicked us off with a great presentation on her research regarding the experience of Boomers and Millennials in the environment of state legislatures: Then I shared someRead… Read more »

An Australian Response to U.S. Open Gov Plans (Craig Thomler)

Excerpts from a post originally published at the eGov AU blog. In the last 24 hours, over 30 US Federal agencies have released their Open Government plans in a strategic outpouring that demonstrates some of the best whole-of-government Gove 2.0 leadership in the world. GovLoop has published a complete list of these Open Government plansRead… Read more »

The Review – Ressler on OpenGov Plans

So Sunday I did some epic reading (or say skimming) of the nearly 30 OpenGov Plans from the various agencies. Here are my initial thoughts and descriptions –Size – Ranged in size from 20 pages to 80 pages. While I usually lean towards shorter is better, often the shorter plans felt like they lacked substanceRead… Read more »

GovReads – ReWork – Reinventing Work

So I’m a big fan of the folks over at – a great blog written by the designer/developers over there who have created great stuff like BaseCamp. What I like about them is they are not afraid of speaking their mind and they are often contrarian. They are purposely small, purposely advocate working less,Read… Read more »

NASPAA on Fixing Graduate Student Hiring

Great white paper by the folks at NASPAA on fixing graduate student hiring in the federal government Personally I do see there is a great opportunity to take the PMF program and expand and make more of flagship program like Teach for America. The federal government is losing a lot of great talent by notRead… Read more »

The Government is Hiring

(The original post can be found at WiseBread written by Jason Kay) With unemployment hitting some scary levels as of late there seems to be one entity that is almost unaffected by the trend; the government. The government is not only continuing its strong hiring that it conducts each year, but bucking the employment trend.Read… Read more »

Transparent Leadership (Roger Schwarz)

Originally published by Roger Schwarz on April 7 as GovExec’s Management Matters column. Are you a transparent leader? Soon after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order calling for agencies to be transparent, participatory and collaborative as a means to strengthen democracy and to make government more efficient and effective. The directive focused onRead… Read more »

Are Civil Servants Too Old and Selfish for Government 2.0?

Maybe we should give up on this quest for a “government 2.0” or “open government.” Maybe the people in senior positions are, well, just that – too “senior.” Or maybe it’s that most public servants just aren’t that interested in being collaborative, transparent or participatory. Of course, you know me well enough to understand thatRead… Read more »