Top 5 – Ways to Handle a Boring Meeting

Top 5 – Ways to Handle a Boring Meeting I’m writing a little series on Top 5s. I’ll write my top 5s on various topics and I encourage you to write yours. Meetings can be super boring. Thus we need survival mechanisms. Here’s my top 5 survival mechanisms. 1 – Blackberry messenger – most GoviesRead… Read more »

GovGives: $5K Raised and A ‘Thank You’ from Antonia and the Triplets

As you know from our previous appeal and update, GovLoop rallied around David Broadwell and his family over the past couple weeks. We are pleased to announce that, on behalf of the GovLoop community, I visited the Broadwell family and presented a check for $5,000 to David and Antonia last week. They are a wonderfulRead… Read more »

How Young is Too Young for Social Media?

As many of you know, the birth of my first child (a boy!) is imminent. We just crossed the 39-week mark yesterday and we are just buzzing with excitement in the Krzmarzick household. So I set up a Twitter handle for him already: @WizKidKriz And, of course, I am planning to create a GovLoop profileRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Neighbors for Neighbors

How many neighbors do you know on your street? When was the last time you did something together as a community? Have you ever had to deal with crime in your neighborhood, or known a neighbor in need but did not know where to start? Well, if you lived in Joseph Porcelli’s neighborhood of JamaicaRead… Read more »

GovReads: “Achieving Project Management Success in the Federal Government”

A few years ago, I (Andrew Krzmarzick – the guy behind Dr. GovLoop) obtained my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. It’s a grueling process, and I have a lot of respect for others who have taken the time to gain this credential. While there are tons of books written on the subject, very few (ifRead… Read more »