Liking Your Name

I’ve always been a fan of my name. To me it sounds cool. Stephen Anthony Ressler. Stephen A. Ressler. Steve Ressler. Crisp. Somewhat unique. Not too old-fashioned. Not too hipsterish. To me it’s like being from Ohio. My name is a good middle-ground. Gives a slightly positive general vibe but is somewhat neutral. And basedRead… Read more »

EPA Open Strategy & Request for Input

Yesterday, I spoke to Lisa Schlosser, EPA Director of Information Collection, on the recently and their request for input in their open government plan What excites you most about Open Government? Having the opportunity to reach out to so many members of the environmental community of interest is extremely exciting – we need engagementRead… Read more »

Open GovLoop? You Decide!

A couple months ago, we launched a forum asking: “Should OpenGov Spark OpenGovLoop?”. We presented several reasons – to make it easier to find in search engines and enable more people to benefit from it – and offered several options along a continuum of being totally closed to wide open. I give much more detailRead… Read more »

Best Practice – CDC Social Media Tools Guidelines

CDC Social Media Tools Guidelines & Best Practices The use of social media tools is a powerful channel to reach target audiences with strategic, effective and user-centric health interventions. To assist in the planning, development and implementation of social media activities, the following guidelines have been developed to provide critical information on lessons learned, bestRead… Read more »

How-To: Find a Mentor

Originally published in Federal Times Lily Whiteman February 8, 2010 Remember that reassuring line “I’m on your side” from the Simon & Garfunkel song, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on your side at work — someone who would be willing and eager to offer you professional advice — aRead… Read more »

How to Give Back

As we’ve launched the AwesomeGov fund, I’ve started thinking the best way GovLoop could give back. There are some clear options where one way is to give money… The other is to give time. Usually pick one or the other..I think we should do both. What do you think? How do you give back? Favorite

Grow, Grow, Grow

Peter DiGiammarino, CEO of Compusearch, likes growth. In fact, it may be more accurate to say he loves it. In this video, Peter outlines some of the elements key in helping companies who may be “performing well, but not up to their potential, grow to see that potential.” Throughout the 12 or so minutes heRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Andrea Schneider

If you’ve been a member of one of Andrea Schneider’s groups, you know why Andrea hosts some of the most fascinating conversations on GovLoop. The titles alone may entice you to join: – Evaluation: The Data and The Story – Social Networking, Leadership and Innovation in the Applied Setting – Who’s Running the Show? ARead… Read more »