Federal Player – The EPA’s Jim Blubaugh

Federal Player – The EPA’s Jim Blubaugh: Protecting Children from Harmful School Bus Emissions Cool article by Partnership for Public Service and The Washington Post – I really like this series where the highlight cool feds…Blurb below and full article at Washington Post Millions of school children across the nation ride on buses every dayRead… Read more »

Why Aren’t We Conducting the Census 2010 Online?

Have you seen this great interview with Census CIO Brian McGrath in Federal Computer Week? If you’re wondering why the Census is not incorporating more technology into its activities, the interview will respond to your questions and concerns. In particular, I had been curious to understand why we aren’t completing our Census forms via anRead… Read more »

From Citycamp – Code for America

60% of municipal workers will retire in 5 years Inspired from Teach for America, Apps for Democracy… 2.0 + municipal workforce… Bring in some new ideas -Put cities in charge -Focus on collaboration City Recruitment -Looking for cities Fellow Recruitment -Industry veterans – called to serve, team leads -Talent – build resume, team member LeonardRead… Read more »

Day 1 Recap and Off to Day 2 at CityCamp

Great day at CityCamp…over 100 campers of all types talking interesting topics from data to journalism to visualization to cultural changes in government. After a thrilling day, a great dinner was held…personally I met fascinating people from Seattle to DC…from non-profits, for-profits, gov’t agencies…large and small…. See this great video… I’m excited for day 2Read… Read more »

Local Gov Session at #citycamp – Best Practices/Success Stories

Room for sharing and working together Place to share ideas and move beyond ideas Edmonton – several thousands followers -not just retweet news -actually answer people back City of Tacoma – answer peole back Twitter- Austin – only allow followers…not responses…part of policy -Comm actually tweets…but from department to comm… -Comm team – YouTube andRead… Read more »

Interview – SF CIO and Tim O’Reilly

Empowering citizens to get stuff done -datasf.com Exec orders – require agencies to get out there. require dep’t heads to do it. 50 peers in big meeting. mayor can call them out. Need someone who gets it. Find pockets of innovation…in city government…and nurture those….so valuable in govt. build and support them. Grassroots army….build andRead… Read more »

Recap from CityCamp Ignite Sessions

Completing the 5 Ignite Session Jen from Code for America – kicked us off…how do we get people to connect, collaborate, vote…Code for America – cool hackers, cool cities…better cities. Teach for America for you New Orleans Data – awesome story of how worked with local govs to get data out around Katrina working withRead… Read more »