The Dinner Party Analogy

The Dinner Party Analogy Have you ever thrown a dinner party? It seems easy, right? Buy some food, invite some people, and it will be a huge success. But it never is. You need to send invites early, find out if people are allergic to anything, follow-up individuals to remind people to come, stage theRead… Read more »

‘Twas the Night Before Renewal – A Crowd-Sourced Holiday Poem

Our very own (St.) Nick Charney prepared a special Gov 2.0 version of Jingle Bells to get us all in the holiday spirit. Check it out if you haven’t seen it. It’s pretty clever in and of itself…but then a commenter (@DGTweets) threw down the gauntlet and suggested we create a “Twas the Night BeforeRead… Read more »

Explaining What You Do

Explaining What You Do Have you ever been out in public and people ask “what do you do?” Of course you have. It’s one of the standard questions when meeting someone new. Being a public servant it is always funny to answer that question. When growing up, my father worked for the IRS. So whenRead… Read more »

Can We Have a Mobile City Hall?

I’m a huge fan of the potential of government moving into the mobile realm. I firmly believe that mobile is the future and it is a platform that government should be working on. One interesting potential connecting mobile and government is the idea of using mobile apps to report city blights (potholes, graffiti, etc). ThisRead… Read more »

The H1N1 Rapper

The H1N1 Rapper By now you may have seen the winning entry for the HHS H1N1 Public Service Announcement Contest. It’s a doctor who is a rapper who raps about how to prevent H1N1. Personally, I find it hilariously awesome. Who knew that would be the winning entry? Who knew we had a rapping doctor?Read… Read more »

Measuring Social Media and Determining Next Steps

Slides from a presentation I delivered this past Monday at the Advanced Learning Institute’s Social Media for Government conference. What do you think of the method we lay out? Would this method be useful in your agency? Measuring Social Media And Determining Next Steps View more documents from GovLoop. Favorite

Open Government Directive – Read and Discuss It Here

For your convenience, we’ve uploaded the Open Government Directive to our Scribd site and embedded it here for quick review, dissemination and dialogue. What are your initial thoughts? You may also be interested in these forum discussions: 1. Is your agency ready for open gov? 2. How do you define government transparency? Open Gov DirectiveRead… Read more »